
Linux installed on a ps4 with firmware 4.01

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The PlayStation 3 was a surprise on its arrival on the market by allowing you to install and run a GNU / Linux distribution and thus make it a complete personal computer. Unfortunately, this feature was quickly removed as the console allowed unsigned code to run on the console, making it easier for hackers to hack. The PS4 does not offer the possibility of running Linux although the hackers are there to break all the scales and have managed to install on a PS4 with firmware 4.01.

The PS4 falls back against Tux

Chinese developers from the Chaitin Tech group have shown at the GeekPwn security fair a method that allows the installation of a Linux distribution on all PS4 consoles with firmware 4.01. For this feat, you need to access a website that injects the necessary code for the GNU / Linux installation into the console. Then these guys have installed a NES emulator and have run Super Mario on their PS4.

The video shown has a cut that may seem suspicious but a live demonstration has been done in front of the audience to demonstrate the veracity of the feat, after a new video has been published without any cut for greater credibility. Sony will be informed of the security breaches found so that they can be corrected as soon as possible, we are sorry but you will not be able to install Ubuntu on your PS4.


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