Intel haswell will appear on the market with problems in the usb 3.0 ports.

The long-awaited Intel Haswell of the new 4th Generation 1150 socket will come with a manufacturing failure. This little "bug" makes USB 3.0 connections unstable.
What is the problem? When the equipment is in S3 state, suspended mode, we will lose connectivity and it will force us to reconnect the USB 3.0 device. This failure can give us a lot of head warming, for example, if we are watching a movie the image will stop, if we try to open an image it will remain blank.
Intel does not consider it to be a "serious failure" and the first revisions will come with this "defect". The blue giant promises new revisions with the bug fixed.
Although this is not new to end consumers. It reminds us of the cases of the i7 920 C0 that fixed their temperature issues with the D0 revision. Or the most recent with the i7 3930K / 3960X C1 with its virtualization problems, which months later would be rectified with the current C2 revision.
Gentlemen, isn't it better to launch a product without manufacturing problems?
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