
Intel Makes New Breakthrough in Quantum Computing with New 17-Qubit Chip

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Quantum computing is the next big technological revolution and it's coming sooner than you might think. IBM introduced its own quantum processor last May, and now Intel has taken another big step toward a quantum computing reality with the creation of a new superconductor chip using advanced material technology and manufacturing techniques.

Intel takes an important step in quantum computing

In Intel's words, the building blocks of quantum computing, the so-called qubits, are very fragile. They can only operate in extremely low temperatures (250 times colder than deep space) and must be carefully packaged to avoid data loss. Intel research groups in Oregon and Arizona have found a way to make 17-qubit chips with an architecture that makes them more reliable at higher temperatures and reduces radio frequency interference between each qubit.

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The new chip can send and receive 10 to 100 times more signal than traditional chips and has an advanced design that allows the techniques to be applied to integrated quantum circuits that are much larger than typical silicon chips.

"Our quantum research has advanced to the point where our partner QuTech is simulating quantum algorithm workloads, and Intel is manufacturing new qubit test chips on a regular basis at our state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities. Intel's expertise in manufacturing, control electronics, and architecture sets us apart and will serve us well as we venture into new computing paradigms, from neuromorphic computing to quantum computing. ”

Quantum computing is the future of computing, it is only a matter of time that engineers manage to find a way to take advantage of all its benefits.

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