Intel optane 905p will be available in m.2 format

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Intel has officially unveiled a new M.2 variant of its Intel Optane 905P, allowing the company to offer its Optane-based storage solution in a smaller form factor than ever.
Intel Optane 905P will now be available in an M.2 form factor
Until now, Intel's Optane storage in M.2 format has been limited to Opta Cache acceleration drives and SSDs with a maximum capacity of 118 GB, all limited to a PCIe 3.0 x 2 interface that does not allow full speed to be used. that 3D Xpoint memory can offer. The new Intel Optane 905P M.2 comes with a 4x PCIe 3.0 interface and an estimated capacity of 380GB per unit. These two characteristics make us face the most advanced and interesting Optane M.2 unit to date.
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This 380GB estimate of capacity comes from a demonstration by Intel in which it used a RAID configuration of four of these drives to deliver 1.5TB of storage. The M.2 form factor will allow these Optane drives to be used in notebook computers, a breakthrough compared to previous versions in PCIe formats and a 2.5-inch U.2 storage drive. For now no figures have been given on its performance.
Intel Optane is based on 3D XPoint memory technology, a storage medium that stands out for offering a lower latency than the conventional NAND, and a higher file transfer speed, especially when moving smaller blocks of data.
3D Xpoint is still in a very early phase of its development, this memory aims to unify RAM and storage in a single pool someday.
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Windows 10 Home and pro is already in presale in the amazon store, it will be from August 30 when it is officially sold
Intel optane 905p has already been listed in several online stores

Newegg has listed new Optane-based SSDs under the Intel Optane 905P series name, for now there are two versions, in U.2 and PCI Express formats.
Details of intel optane 905p devices

Leaked documents have been leaked from the Intel website, reporting the features and specifications of the Intel Optane 905P.