
Iv professional anniversary review: cubot x9 raffle

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It seems yesterday when I set up our modest Professional Review website and we are very proud of them: a clear analysis website with important current news. This year we are going to throw the house out the window and we are going to offer you the opportunity to win many gifts. I anticipate that we will be both in March and part of April offering these raffles.We started strong with a mid-range smarpthone such as the Cubot X9 thanks to the collaboration of Gearbest.

How can I participate? It is very simple you must do the following points:
  • Follow both Professional Review and Gearbest in Spanish on Facebook and share the Cubot X9 review. For those who do not have Facebook, they can also participate if you follow us on Twitter and retweet the Cubot X9 review. Each user will have a maximum of two ballots (one for his Facebook account and one for his Twitter account).
Next we will detail the bases of the draw

Competition rules

The draw is open from March 2 at 00:01 am until March 6 at 23:59 pm The draw will take place through the website where the winner will appear and you can check the result that will be published in our facebook page. Some important rules to keep in mind:
  • Anyone can participate without geographical limitation. Deadline for entries to the draw: March 6 at 11:59 p.m. The winner will be announced on the weekend of March 7 or 8, both in this article and on our social networks. The product that is raffled is the one from the analysis, 100% functional and white / gold. The product does not have a guarantee as it is a gift product. When you receive the smartphone, send us a photo with the gift.

If you have not been lucky you can find it in the Gearbest store for a modest price of € 109 (see link), thanks to the “ CubotX9ES” coupon (without quotes).

Wishing you all the best of luck and maximum dissemination to your friends and family.


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