
Dark souls board game is financed in record time

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From Software and Bandai-Namco presented yesterday the first board game of Dark Souls, the popular role-playing and action video game of the moment. The board game was created by Steamforged Games in collaboration with Bandai-Namco hoping to find funding for the "backers" on the Kickstarter service, it only took £ 50, 000 for the Dark Souls board game to come true, a figure that It was reached in just 3 minutes.

The saga has its first official board game

As soon as the Dark Souls board game was published on Kickstarter, an avalanche of users started donating to make it come true and get the game as soon as it goes on sale, with a minimum amount of £ 75 to purchase the package. basic.

The success of this Kickstarter campaign does not take by surprise, all fans of the Dark Souls franchise will want to get this board game where many of the enemies, bosses and characters of the saga will be present with their detailed figures and all the lore how well he has accompanied the video game during all these years.

Some of the figures included in the Dark Souls game

At the time of writing these lines, the board game has already raised more than 860, 000 pounds, 1, 100, 000 euros, with about 25 days left until the end of the campaign, this figure could reach a record for the platform and is probably already the one fastest has been funded in history.

As the collection increases, Steamforged Games adds new content for the game, new enemies, new classes and items that encourage users to continue donating. The Dark Souls board game would be finalized and put on sale during 2017.


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