
Kirin 985 would arrive with 5g natively integrated

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Huawei has been a company that has always innovated with its processors. Last year, its Kirin 980 was the first on the market to be manufactured in 7 nanometers. It seems that this year they are looking to be the first in something. In this case, it is already commented that Kirin 985 would be the first processor on the market to bring 5G natively. An important step for the company.

Kirin 985 would arrive with 5G natively integrated

They are rumors that are gaining strength in the last hours. They make clear the Chinese company's ability to innovate with its processors. So they could take some advantage in the market.

Bet on 5G

So far, the processors on the market with support for 5G, do not give it natively. Rather , a 5G modem is used. Huawei also has its own 5G modem, which is what makes Kirin 980, its current high-end processor, have such support. But with the launch of this new Kirin 985, no modem would have to be used.

Since this processor would have the support natively. For now, not much is known about the processor. It is only commented that it will be manufactured in a 7 nanometer process, once again.

Kirin 985 should arrive in the fall, surely with the Huawei Mate 30. But a specific date has not yet been given for its launch. So we are going to have to wait a little longer until we have more concrete details in this regard.

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