
Accessibility in video games

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At the PlayStation Experience 2016 event, a discussion of great importance took place, which does not yet have sufficient general attention. On the table was the topic of adapting video games to make them accessible, and how developers and users are taking an active role in the inclusion of accessibility.

How is the patio?

Until about 2 years ago there was no serious and widespread concern from the video game industry to adapt the experience to players with accessibility problems. Luckily this landscape is changing and more and more optional features are added to new video games that allow users to enjoy it in a way that is easier for the user. Whether visual, auditory or motor, the improvements introduced as options already allow you to advance in the games without being affected by a condition in the player.

Is it really such a widespread problem? If I have no problems, surely it is not my battle

Even if today you do not have a physical problem that prevents you from playing today, it may be that when you grow old or if you suffer from some physical condition it will be difficult or impossible to play the new games or the ones you have enjoyed until now.

When the developers receive news about the difficulty some players have had to advance and enjoy their game, this causes them sadness. This is the case of the Uncharted team in Naughty Dog, when teammate Alex Neonakis transmitted the experience of Josh Straub, who could not reach the end of Uncharted 2 without asking for help because he had to repeatedly press a button to open a door. When they bring a game to life, the creators want to explain a story through scenes, combat, and exploration, and they want to share it with everyone. Listening to a person who has not been able to complete the immersion in their game makes them see that they must put a lot of effort from now on so that their games have the greatest accessibility possible.

Measures to increase accessibility in video games

There is debate as to what measures can be taken as a standard. Faced with a proposal to label the covers according to the degree and accessibility measures taken, there is skepticism since even people with the same disability need adaptation in different aspects. On the other hand, it is important for the consumer to have information on what actions have been taken to know if it will be compatible with their needs or those of the person for whom they buy it.

In the development process of any video game there is a lot of organization. The production is structured in various rounds where they set out how they want each aspect to be and set goals and dates to have them ready. If you do not have people involved and even specialized in accessibility that participate in the stages from the beginning of planning, it is very difficult for them to be able to introduce changes, as happens when they are considered at very advanced moments in the creation of the video game.

Luckily, current authoring tools like Unreal Engine are already starting to have built-in options to include accessibility features like colorblind correction. The integration will not only facilitate accessibility for developers, but will introduce it as a normal and key element in the creation of video games.

For their part, the creators ask users not to be shy about giving their experience and opinion at all times. Thanks to this, they will be able to learn more about the players' needs and will refine their creation and adaptation methods.

At Professional Review we love that this discussion reaches the video game world that we enjoy so much and, we hope, with fewer and fewer barriers.

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