
Ataribox will use amd hardware and a linux operating system

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It has been confirmed that Atari's next Ataribox system will be based on a custom AMD APU and will use a Linux-based operating system. In this way AMD has managed to place its customized solutions on a new game console and is present in all of them except the Nintendo Switch.

Atari talks about Ataribox

The console is expected to ship in early 2018 with a crowdfunding campaign slated to take place this fall on Indiegogo. The console is designed to provide users with an open and customizable user experience, providing Smart TV functionality without any restrictions.

People are used to the flexibility of a PC, but most connected TV devices have closed systems and content stores,

Ataribox is an open system, and while our user interface will be easy to use, people will also be free to access and customize the underlying operating system. We have chosen to launch Ataribox with Indiegogo given its focus on delivering technology products and its strong international presence in more than 200 countries, allowing us to reach and engage as many Atari fans around the world as possible.

This new product is designed to act as a retro renaissance and as part of a new era of Atari on the hardware side, taking advantage of the popularity of systems like the classic NES, while also giving users the freedom to develop new applications and content for the device.

The Ataribox will have a similar concept to the NES Mini

Below is a comment from Atari CEO Fred Chesnais, who claims that content will be coming to this console from third-party providers as well as Atari itself. Only time will tell how many third-party applications will be created for this device and whether it will find any success as a set-top box or as a PC-like console.

With Ataribox, we wanted to create an open system, an excellent product where people can play, run, and navigate as freely as possible. Atari games and content will be available, as well as games and content from other providers.

We also wanted to launch Ataribox with our community and reward our fans with exclusive early access special editions, and include them as active participants in the product rollout.

Source: overclock3d


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