
Tesla factory will continue to operate temporarily

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Many companies are stopping their activity, closing their offices and factories, due to the current coronavirus crisis. In the United States, more and more companies are asking their employees to work from home, while many others stop their activity completely. It seems that Tesla could be exempt from this break.

Tesla factory will continue to operate temporarily

Since the State of California would be thinking of giving them a temporary permit, of about three weeks, which will allow the company's production plant to remain open this time.

Ongoing production

It is not known if it will be something that will eventually happen or not, because 273 cases of coronavirus have already been detected in the San Francisco area. None of them on the Tesla roster, prompting Elon Musk to state that he sees no reason for the plant's production to stop. This permission could give them some leeway, until the final decision is made.

Although everything suggests that in a few weeks all the activity of said firm's factory will have to be stopped. Since the government in the United States is applying increasingly serious and strict measures.

So it wouldn't be weird if Tesla production had to be stopped for a while, surely a few months. A hard blow for the firm, which continues to have problems in being profitable, although the situation was improving by great strides. We will see how the possible stoppage in production affects them.


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