Google's ia duplex interests call centers to replace humans

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Duplex is Google's artificial intelligence technology that leaves no one indifferent. Its first public demonstration was held at the developer conference in May, where it was revealed that it is being tested for use in call centers.
Duplex may replace workers in call centers
Duplex worries many people because it was designed to appear human, this system can make calls to local companies to make reservations on behalf of Google Assistant users, all without anyone realizing that it is an AI that is on the other side of the phone. Google adopted the introduction of the robot, clearly explaining that it is not a human being.
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It is now known that some large companies are testing this Google technology for use in other applications, such as call centers. The idea behind it is that it might be able to replace some of the work that humans currently do. A potential Google customer, a large insurance company is looking for ways to use the technology, even for call centers, where the voice assistant could handle simple, repetitive customer calls, while humans step in when conversations turn around. more complicated.
In addition to all this, it has been admitted that the ethical concerns that overshadowed the original presentation have slowed down work on the project. Artificial intelligence has been advancing in giant steps over the last few years, if it continues like this, we are going to see something that we thought was only possible in Star Treck. Let's not forget that reality can overcome fiction if given enough time.
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