
Artificial intelligence is more dangerous than North Korea

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These pretty words are statements by Elon Musk. The genius or madman, depending on who you ask, behind Tesla. For a while now, Elon has been very vocal about his doubts and fears regarding artificial intelligence. So much so that he had a confrontation on social networks with Mark Zuckerberg.

Artificial intelligence is more dangerous than North Korea

It considers that the risks or possible effects of artificial intelligence have not been fully investigated. And meanwhile trillions of dollars continue to be invested in this new technology. Therefore, it is one of the standard-bearers against its use. Now, he goes one step further in his war against artificial intelligence.

Dangers of artificial intelligence

He has stated that artificial intelligence is more dangerous than North Korea. Right now that the United States is on the brink of nuclear war with the Asian country. It can be a somewhat exaggerated or excessive comparison. Even opportunistic, but makes clear the vision of the executive on this issue.

Elon claims that anything that is a potential danger to humans (cars, planes, or even food) is something that is regulated and controlled. Therefore, the same should happen with artificial intelligence. It is not regulated, nor does it have such strict quality and safety controls.

While people like Zuckerberg claim that artificial intelligence provides us with many advantages and will make our lives easier. Elon Musk has his doubts about it. And it seeks that society is also aware of the potential dangers. What do you think? Is Elon Musk correct on this issue?


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