
The latest update of windows 10 generates problems

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Microsoft is having bad luck with its latest updates. If the users in Windows 7 saw how they had problems with the wallpapers, which luckily was solved this past week, now it is the users in Windows 10 who have problems. This time it is the KB4532693 update that is causing problems. This update causes problems with personal files.

The latest Windows 10 update causes problems

Users who have updated see how they suffer failures with wallpapers, application icons or even user profiles. These files are sometimes hidden.

Update failures

The problems for users in Windows 10 are being quite varied. Since there are users who see how these files disappear or are hidden in the computer, whether they are wallpapers or icons. While in other somewhat more extreme cases, users are left without access to their profile, that profile is completely blocked.

Microsoft has not recognized this failure, although it would not be unusual if these days they admit the problem and a new patch arrives with which to put a solution to it. Since the number of affected users is increasing over the days. The first cases were reported before the weekend.

It is an important patch, this update that was released for Windows 10, but the glitches it is causing is causing many to wait. It is not worth updating if it is going to give you problems, as is happening with so many users. We hope for a solution from Microsoft shortly.


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