
The nsa stored 150 million calls last year

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The controversies between the various American security agencies and privacy do not cease. Both the FBI and CIA are known to have carried out numerous wiretaps around the world. Even to political leaders.

The NSA stored 150 million calls last year

History repeats itself again, although in this case the new protagonist is the NSA. The National Security Agency in the United States. In 2016, they collected 151 million phone call metadata. Why is this happening?

How do American privacy laws work?

After the 9/11 attacks, then-President George Bush gave the NSA full powers to eavesdrop on all American citizens. Thus they could collect and store millions of data. Although two years ago, the law granting such permits was repealed. Everything suggested that the NSA was going to end the eavesdropping and delete all the stored data. Nothing is further from reality.

The agency itself acknowledged violating the limits imposed by the new law, which undoubtedly puts the privacy of millions of people at serious risk. The new law, called the Freedom Act, sought to place limits on the power of the NSA. In addition to forcing them to publish reports with their activity.

Following the latest report, in which they claim to have 151 million phone records (though not the conversations), it was revealed that they only had permission to spy on a total of 42 terrorists in 2016. Still, these numbers appear to be infinitely lower than the data Snowden was going to leak. What do you think of these NSA activities?


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