
The new facebook messenger interface begins to reach users

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Earlier this month it was announced that Facebook Messenger was going to simplify its interface. So an update with it was to be released soon. An update that is already starting to reach users. Both for users on iOS and Android. A change of importance, because it is committed to a much cleaner design with fewer elements on the screen.

The new Facebook Messenger interface begins to reach users

Although it seems that not all users who are getting the update in the messaging app are completely happy with the changes.

New interface on Facebook Messenger

There are users who believe that this new interface in Facebook Messenger removes too many elements and is simplistic. Although it is a necessary change, which also the firm itself had announced in the past. Because at the beginning of 2018 they already said that there was going to be a new design. But it has taken an entire year for it to launch in the messaging app.

In addition, others complain about the lack of night mode. Although this new interface, which predominantly bets on white, is a previous step. Being all white, it will be much easier to use the dark mode.

That dark mode is expected to hit Facebook Messenger in an update later this year. At the moment, the new and simplified interface is already being deployed. Both Android and iOS users have access to it. What do you think of these changes in the app?

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