
Police confuse cryptocurrency miner with marijuana farm

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A curious story comes from Australia. Police suspected that a man had a marijuana farm in his home. Although when they showed up at the suspect's home, what they found was very different. Since there was no marijuana farm or plantation in his home. They only found equipment for cryptocurrency mining.

Police mistake cryptocurrency miner for marijuana farm

Therefore, said person has not suffered any legal consequence. Although he is not very happy, because he says that the police caused damage to his house when they entered to check if there was such a marijuana farm.

Cryptocurrency mining in Australia

Since this cryptocurrency miner comments that the police are not giving him an answer when he wants to talk about financial compensation for the damage that has been caused. Something that, as expected, provokes his outrage. According to him, they entered breaking the door, in addition to an unusual strength and attitude. So he hopes to have compensation for all such damages soon.

It is not uncommon to suspect that there was a marijuana farm. Both a marijuana plantation and cryptocurrency mining are activities that consume a tremendous amount of energy. So if you notice too high a power consumption, suspicions are raised.

Many do not rule out that situations like these will repeat themselves. Since on many occasions they rely on this excessive consumption of energy to suspect that there is something that is not quite right.

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