
The radeon r9 nano is 50% more efficient than fury x


The GPU AMD Fiji has not had the results that many fans of the brand expected, despite having the new HBM memory, the Radeon Fury X does not manage to distance itself from the GeForce GTX 980Ti with its “obsolete” GDDR5, even the Nvidia solution. It seems like a more powerful option today under DirectX 11.

However, AMD still has an ace up its sleeve, the Radeon R9 Nano, which while it will not seek the crown of performance if it is expected to offer great energy efficiency along with great power in a very small size.

The Radeon R9 Nano promises to be as powerful as a Radeon R9 290X, consuming approximately half the power. With these figures the Radeon R9 Nano is 50% more energy efficient than the Fury X and 90% more efficient than the 290X. Undoubtedly, excellent figures that will help create very compact teams with great features capable of moving titles comfortably to 1440p. The card will have a single 8-pin power connector.

The R9 Nano should be announced on August 27, we will see if this time the expectations are met or if AMD suffers a new blow.

Source: techpowerup


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