
The movistar website uses visitors' computers to mine cryptocurrencies

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Users have reported that the Movistar website uses one of the most common techniques of recent times: using users' CPUs to mine cryptocurrencies. In particular, Monero, which is usually the most common in these situations. Malicious software would have been installed that can be detected by various antivirus programs, but nobody knows how it got there.

The Movistar website uses the computers of the visitors to mine cryptocurrencies

This is the Coinhive script that is intended to mine the Monero virtual currency. To do this, it uses the CPU of the computers of all those who visit the Movistar website. Something that has happened and for which several people have reported this situation. It appears that this script is no longer active.

Hello @movistar, how is the cryptocurrency portfolio doing? What is the coin-hivecom script for?

- Sergio R.-SolĂ­s (@s_rsolis) December 29, 2017

Movistar hacked: Mine cryptocurrency using users' CPU

Several users have registered this unusual activity on their computers. After investigating they were able to verify that it was the Coinhive script that was using their computers to mine Monero. At the moment the origin of this problem is unknown and it is not known how this script has reached the Movistar website.

Some speculate that it could have been installed by the company itself. Although it is an unlikely scenario. Most likely, it is a hack. Since these types of situations are becoming quite frequent, since we have seen how other websites do the same.

Movistar has successfully removed the script from its website. So users who now enter the company website should not suffer from this problem. They are currently investigating the origin of the problem. So we hope to learn more about this matter soon.

Source The confidential


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