
The best open source alternatives to windows programs

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All users with a Windows computer come across a series of programs that are installed by default. Thanks to these programs we can make use of the operating system and carry out daily tasks. Whether surfing the Internet or managing our emails. But, many users want to be able to use other programs.

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The best open source alternatives to Windows programs

The good news is that there are many free and open source options available today. Thanks to these options we can replace the programs that Windows has installed by default. In this way we can depend less on the software that is present on Windows computers. What options are available?


It is a program that most of you already know. It is a great option that serves as a substitute for Windows Media Player, "Groove Music" and "Movies and TV" for Windows 10. So it undoubtedly offers us many functions since it can replace three different applications without any problem. It is possibly one of the best video players available today.

What stands out most about VLC is that it is compatible with many formats. So we can see any type of video in this player without any concern. Reason why it is chosen by millions of users.


Another option that most of you know. An office suite that is the direct substitute for Microsoft Office. So we can create documents, tables or PowerPoint presentations with great ease with this option. While Office is paid, this option is free and open source. And we enjoy the same advantages.

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Also, it is much lighter than Office. So we can work more comfortably and consume less resources on our computer. Ideal if you have a computer that is not as powerful.

Mozilla Firefox

A browser that seems to take too long in the shadow of Chrome. But, it has proven to be a very complete option that deserves to be considered. It is a browser that works well, it is fast and we have many extensions available to provide it with additional functions. So it is a much more complete option than Edge or Internet Explorer.


Email clients are less and less used, but interesting options are still available today. Windows computers offer us Outlook as an option to use. Although it is an interesting option, we have others that we can get more out of. Thunderbird is an option that may seem more classic, although it provides us with quite a few options.

Also, it should be noted that Thunderbird is the Mozilla email client. So you can expect a great synchronization with other brand products that you have installed.


A name that sounds familiar to most of you. It is a great option to view our images. The best thing is that it is a very simple program, so it does not involve any complications or give us problems. Also, it is light and fast. So we can see all the photos we want with great comfort with this option.


When taking a screenshot in Windows, we have to press the Print Print key and then paste into an editing tool like Paint. It is the usual process that we have to do. But, there are other simple ways to do it. Like for example ShareX. It is a tool that allows us to obtain screenshots with great simplicity and comfort. Also, we have some additional functions.

So we can carry out some edits in our screenshots in this tool. It gives us more options than Paint, so it can certainly be an interesting option to consider.

Visual Studio Code

Notepad is an application that stands out for being extremely simple and also very useful. Although, your options are somewhat limited. So if you want a more complete option and allow us to edit text, this is a good alternative. Since it offers us some additional functions, and it is easily customizable thanks to various plugins.

So it can be a good option if we want to edit a text quickly. Also a good program to keep in mind for those who need to program.


We have talked about this program before. It is an option that we can call the natural substitute for Paint. It has functions similar to those of the Windows tool, although also with a couple of extras. So in general we can carry the same functions as with the other tool. But it is a good option if you were looking for an open source option.

These programs are alternatives to those that come to us by default on Windows computers. They are all free, so in addition to enjoying good options we do not have to spend a single euro on them. Do you use any of these options?


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