Computer sales grow after six years of declines

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Computer sales have been in the doldrums for several years. At least the last six years have not been entirely good, because in all of them, down paths have been chained. But, it seems that there is some hope, at least in the second quarter of this 2018. Because there has been an increase in sales of computers.
Computer sales grow after six years of declines
The increase would have been at least 1.4%, although according to some sources it could exceed 2%. But the news is clear, more computers have been sold worldwide.
Computer sales rise
While this is positive news, experts say you can't speak of a trend. It seems to be something more exceptional, so it is possible that in the following quarter there will be a drop in sales again. So they bring us back to reality, in a market where sales have been a while without raising their heads.
HP, Lenovo, Dell, Apple and Acer are the computer brands that have the most to celebrate. Because between these five companies 80% of the market is shared. So they clearly dominate, especially Lenovo has reasons to be happy, because they are the ones that grow the most.
Although in the case of the Chinese brand, the reasons for its success are its wide selection of computers, which means that users can find one that fits them, in addition to its good prices. We will see how sales evolve in the rest of the year.
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