The first g2a deal arrives, current games at a scandal price

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The popular G2A store has informed us that this weekend they have launched their first G2A deal, a promotion of five fairly current games for a scandalous price, even more so for G2A Deal subscribers.
G2A deal, current games at bargain prices
This first G2A deal includes the Syberia, Syberia 2, Lords Of The Fallen Digital Deluxe, SUPERHOT and DiRT 3 Complete Edition games for a spectacular price of 2.5 euros, if you are a G2A Deal subscriber it will be yours for just 1.5 euros. These games together have a value on Steam of 71.95 euros so it is a great opportunity to have them for what costs two coffees or even less.
Best Digital Games Store: G2A in the Lead
The store will put a new bundle every month, something that is possible thanks to a collaboration between the store and the different developers . To access the promotion page click here
What do you think of this offer for just 2.5 euros in Europe? Our Latin American readers will be able to benefit for just 1.5 euros.
Remember that our 3% discount coupon is available. Do you join us like this mega pack? We thank J. Manuel from G2A for the tip-off?
New g2a deal: dungeons 2, tropico 4 and much more at a bargain price

New G2A Deal consisting of Dungeons 2, Tropico 4, Case: Animatronics, 12 is Better than 6 and Car Mechanic Simulator 2015 games.
G2a deal announces this month's bundle games

G2A Deal announces this month's bundle games. Discover the games included in this month's G2A Deal and take advantage of this discount.
Playstation vr at a scandal price from February 18

Sony has announced that PlayStation VR will see its price reduced from February 18 and until March 3, all the details.