
The 5 smart errors that anticipate the death of your hard drive

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Blacklaze is a company that offers cloud storage and periodically also publishes some analysis based on its more than 67, 000 hard drives that it owns in its Sacramento-based datacenter. On this occasion, the company offered important data on the failure rate of a hard drive and how it would be possible to anticipate its death based on the SMART report.

Hard Drive Death Can Be Predicted With SMART

This is a monitoring and self-analysis technology that is present in all modern hard drives, with which we can know exactly the status of any hard drive.

According to Blacklaze statistics, 76.7% of hard drives showing error reports in SMART ended up failing. This means that that disk became unusable and had to be replaced. That is why it is very important to know what is the state that this technology reports on your hard drive to know in advance if it can fail at any time and act accordingly.

The 5 mistakes that anticipate the death of your hard drive

Here are the 5 SMART bugs that have to prepare you for the worst, if a hard drive shows any of these codes in its report, it will surely die sooner rather than later.

SMART 5: Reallocated sectors count

SMART 187: Reported uncorrectable errors

SMART 188: Command timeout

SMART 197: Current pending sector count

SMART 198: Uncorrectable sector count

Currently there is no way to view the SMART report but with a third-party application, from Windows there is no tool unless you find out from the command console.

Some of the most recommended applications can be Ontrack EasyRecovery, CrystalDiskInfo, HD Tune or EASIS Drive Check. I hope it has been useful to you and see you next time.


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