
Pubg creators drop lawsuit against fortnite

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Two of the most popular games of the year were locked in a legal battle. Since in May the creators of PUBG denounced Fortnite for plagiarism, specifically for the Battle Royale mode. But just over a month later, the withdrawal of this lawsuit is announced. Something that has already been confirmed by the two parties involved in this battle.

PUBG creators drop lawsuit against Fortnite

Although so far nothing has been mentioned about the reasons for this withdrawal. Nor has it been mentioned whether an out-of-court settlement has been reached, which is what many are speculating at the moment.

PUBG drops lawsuit against Fortnite

Several media have already announced that the lawsuit has been canceled, after having spoken with the creators of PUBG and Fortnite. So this chapter seems to be over. Although the controversy between the two popular games does not look like it will end soon. In addition, some speculation has already emerged as to the true reason for the withdrawal of the lawsuit.

Since it seems that both PUBG Corporation and Epic Games (creators of Fortnite) have large investments in Tencent. So many consider that this could be the reason or the key to the withdrawal of this lawsuit. While this has not been confirmed.

We will see what else happens with these two games, since the controversy has no intention of leaving them for now. And we may soon have more details on why this lawsuit has been withdrawn.

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