The huawei mate 20 have sold 10 million units

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The Huawei Mate 20 range was officially presented last fall. A range that from the beginning has given many joys to the Chinese brand. This has also been reflected in their sales, as we have already seen. Because they have announced that the 10 million units sold of this family of phones have been exceeded worldwide.
The Huawei Mate 20 have sold 10 million units worldwide
Sales that are undoubtedly a success, which stands out especially when we consider that in the United States they have not been released for sale.
Huawei Mate 20 sales
Unfortunately, the sales of each of the models within the range of these Huawei Mate 20 have not been revealed. The brand itself has not said anything about it. Although it is expected that the Mate 20 and 20 Pro will be the ones that have sold the best. We also do not know in which markets these models of the Chinese brand have received the best.
Although last year we have been able to see how the brand's sales have increased worldwide in all the markets in which they are located. So in general they will have sold well in the countries where the Chinese brand has a presence.
A moment of importance for the Chinese brand. These Huawei Mate 20 are a success. Good news before the presentation of its new high-end, which will be officially presented later this month at an event in Paris. We will be attentive to this presentation.
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