Oled TV prices drop rapidly in Japan

Today we have good news that comes to us from the East, more precisely from Japan, where televisions with OLED technology seem to be dropping prices dramatically in the last year.
According to Nikkei, the most popular stock index in that country, the price of OLED TVs is dropping rapidly, and for that we have some fairly representative examples. Currently the best-selling OLED TV among the Japanese is the LG OLED55B6P, which is about 55 inches. This television was launched in June 2016 for about 400, 000 yen (3, 300 euros), today that television is available for 300, 000 yen (2, 400 euros), a 33% drop in value.
As the only provider of OLED televisions that currently exists in Japan, LG launched in 2015 the first models of these televisions with a size of 55 inches for about 5, 000 euros at that time. Today these televisions are sold for about 1, 400 euros.
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55-inch LCD televisions are also falling in price, such as the Sony KJ-55X8500D, which went from costing 2, 030 euros to current 1, 625 euros.
The fall in the prices of these televisions may have to do with the arrival of new competitors for LG in this field. During March, Toshiba is going to launch its own OLED televisions in that country and then Sony and Panasonic will join it with their own televisions, so a rather interesting price war is expected. This drop in prices should also have an impact on the rest of the world during 2017.
Currently LG is a pioneer in the manufacture of OLED panels, which gives it an advantage over other manufacturers.
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