Xiaomi phones on sale black friday mysteriously sold out in spain

Table of contents:
- The Xiaomi phones on sale this Black Friday "mysteriously sold out" in Spain
- Controversy with Xiaomi's Black Friday
Xiaomi celebrates Black Friday today, after having launched its stores and website in Spain. The Chinese brand had big promotions organized. But, things are not going as expected. A lightning sale on the web was expected to start at 1:00 p.m. But even before the sale started, the phones were already sold out.
The Xiaomi phones on sale this Black Friday "mysteriously sold out" in Spain
Many users on Twitter are complaining about the action taken by the company. Even before the sale started, they were informed that the phones were out of stock. While a while later, the devices returned to go out on the web without any problem. So many accuse the company of fraud.
IT HAS NOT FINISHED!! YOU HAVE TAKEN OUR HAIR! Already 10 min before 1pm it was SOLD OUT and you have not given any chance. If you run out, you must leave at least 50 x to respond to the promo. Here you can see it: 1259h and 1307h I have copied the screen, but at least 10 was also exhausted. pic.twitter.com/BeUYt6iIba
- Rocío Luna (@rociolunavlc) November 24, 2017
Controversy with Xiaomi's Black Friday
In addition, others have also shown that their user profiles do not exist. So fraud suspicions continue to rise. Apparently no one has managed to benefit from the promotion organized to celebrate this Black Friday. So the image of the company can be clearly affected by this action.
Xiaomi has not made a statement so far. What seems clear is that it is a very serious error and that it can affect the image that users have of the company. Especially now that they have officially arrived in Spain. These kinds of actions don't help. So it will be interesting to see what they have to say on their part.
I still have doubts about this action. It seems that there are many users who are reporting the same problem. So I don't think it's a bug. It may be a company strategy to get attention. Although, if this is so, it is undoubtedly a quite awkward movement and that can damage the perception that many have of Xiaomi. If you want to get good Xiaomi deals, I recommend you take a look at our selected Black Friday deals with Gearbest and Xiaomi in China.
Editorial edition: We leave you a tweet that explains it (there are several tweets to read):
I find it very funny the people who are throwing shit from @Espana_Xiaomi for the offer of mobiles at € 1 and that they have not got it. What if by giving it to update it turned out that there was not. that if there are no users. etc. Let's see… Thread here
- RubentS (@Rubents_) November 24, 2017
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