More unconfirmed specifications of xbox 720

Anonymous sources in the video game industry have revealed more information on the technical specifications of the following Xbox, specifying its GPU, CPU and the capacity of its hard drive.
General details:
- The processing speed will be 3 times higher than that of the current xbox 360. There is no estimated release date. It is expected to be by the end of 2013. (Coincidentally coinciding with that of Playstation 4) There will be 2 versions at launch: The Arcade with 320 GB and the Pro with 500 GB. The price is still unknown. A 1 TB hard drive can be purchased separately. It will not have a Blu-Ray optical drive. As with the Sony console, the design of the console has yet to be seen, and the Xbox SmartClass application will continue to be used.
Technical specifications:
- 1.6 GHz x64 eight-core AMD CPU 800 MHz GPU with DirectX support 11.x8 GB of DDR3 RAM
These data fit with the information revealed by an ex-employee of Ubisoft so it would have to be given a vote of truthfulness. Even so, the technical specifications are very similar to those of the recently announced Playstation 4, so it would not be unusual for Microsoft to improve its hardware before presenting it, especially considering that it would not have Blu-ray movie playback while these already so widespread in the market. Maybe Kinect 2 ?
It is possible that in the conference that Microsoft has prepared in April our doubts will be cleared and if not, we will have to wait for E3 in June. Be aware.
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