Malware hunter: the new shodan tool against malware

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Every so often, some new malware arrives that generates headlines due to the number of computers or even smartphones that it has infected. The number of malware grows every day. That is why the launch of tools is so important to combat them.
Malware Hunter: Shodan's new tool against malware
Shodan and Recorded Future have teamed up to launch a new tool against malware. Malware Hunter is the name of this tool that seeks to fight against C&C (Command and control).
How does Malware Hunter work?
The so-called C&C (Command and Control) are servers used to control malware. Identifying these types of servers is a very difficult task. But if one of them can be identified, it is an enormously important battle won in the war against malware. So Malware Hunter has been released.
Malware Hunter has trackers that scan all over the internet and all computers configured to function as C&C. Every possible C&C device is registered. Malware Hunter informs each IP address as if the destination IP was a C&C. If they get a positive response, they know that that server is indeed C&C.
The Malware Hunter results are being very positive. It has already managed to identify more than 5, 700 C&C servers worldwide so far. The vast majority of them in the United States, although other countries like China are also on the list. Without a doubt, it is a great tool in the fight against malaware and the results seem to guarantee its good operation.
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