
Best free antivirus for android in 2019 【super top 5】?

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Welcome to our article on what is the best free antivirus for Android. As many of you know, Android is one of the most widely used operating systems in the world, which is why it requires an antivirus that is capable of protecting it, both from malware and general viruses.

Knowing this, in the following lines we will proceed to show you which is the best tool that you can use if you want to protect your mobile, and also what are the characteristics that this option presents.

Despite the fact that Android is a mobile software, it has a large number of specialized antivirus, however, among all of them the following can be highlighted.

Index of contents

AVG Antivirus

This program can be easily downloaded from the Play Store, it has an approximate weight of 25 MB and its use has been so required that it has more than 100 million downloads.

All this, because it has the following characteristics:

  • It has a real-time protector, running automatically in the background. It presents a very versatile Wi-fi connection and network analyzer. It offers a very intuitive and selective cleaning capacity, allowing us to eliminate only what we want from our storage. application blocker linked with fingerprint, pattern or PIN characteristics to suit the user. Contains a deep scanner to detect any type of low and high level threat. It has a VPN connection manager It presents the "Detect as lost" feature that according to The established configuration allows you to activate the camera or the sound of the mobile remotely. It extends the battery life, thanks to its automatic energy saving mode. It allows you to use your server as a cloud, due to the fact that it has a photo store. It presents a very efficient control of data use.

360 Security-Antivirus

The antivirus 360 has a weight of 25 MB of download and execution like the previous one, only that it has much better acceptance rates.

It specifically has the following specifications:

  • It offers one of the most efficient space liberators on the market, presenting much better results than any competitor. Its antivirus is very intuitive, analyzing viruses and damaged files, alerting the user and also requesting their removal. It allows to accelerate the performance of the device at ease, thanks to the fact that it suppresses useless executions of the server. It has an application protector through passwords, patterns o PIN.It manages to perfect the “Find my phone” feature, since it has a very efficient remote detection system, managing to configure almost any feature on the mobile phone without having it on hand. Manage applications to provide more space to the phone system. It has a feature called "Call and Message Filter" that blocks communications to specified numbers on the server. It contains one of the simplest interfaces on the web. It presents detailed reports the state of the device, indicating the level of perfection in terms of its operation. It locates early dangers that could develop in the system. It runs analyzes constantly on the mobile. Its updates are frequent and with changes of considerable validity.

Free Avast

Despite the fact that this tool was originally known for being used on computers, it can also be downloaded on Android, and allows you to enjoy almost the same benefits in its use, including:

  • It has one of the best antivirus on the market, managing to carry out full scans of the entire system, including hidden files and encrypted folders. It allows freeing up space in internal memory and system storage. It presents the option of "Speed ​​check", with In order to know the performance of the device at all times. It contains a feature called "VPN connection" that allows it to be managed and configured by the user. Like the previous two, it gives the option to block applications generally or individually in the system. It presents the alternative of "Photo trunk" in almost the same way as AVG antivirus, except that it improves the storage capacity. It makes detailed consumption reports, where it specifies that applications require a greater amount of consumption throughout the mobile phone. the feature of "Call blocking", blacklisting the numbers that we do not want communicate. It eliminates junk files housed in the internal memory, improving the space available to the user. It also contains the “Lost phone” feature in order to configure it remotely.


This program is one of the heaviest on the entire list, having a quantity of 41 MB in space requirement for its execution, although it is complemented by the multiple functions it offers, among which are:

  • Your antivirus is much simpler and more rigorous, making it easier to scan, but most tools with this function are more efficient. It contains the "Application blocking" feature on your system. It allows you to navigate with a manager linked to the program, in order to avoid potentially dangerous URLs for the mobile. It has a specification called "My Kaspersky" that remotely manages the mobile to suit the user in case of theft or loss. a filter of numbers in the mobile, that is to say, something similar to a “Black List” within the application. It allows to customize the type of analysis that we want to execute, from fast and medium to deep depending on our requirements. It has a phishing protector in the text messages received on the phone. It grants the ability to update the version of the tool from its own server. Detect incursion It is external on the mobile and informs the user immediately.

What is the best free antivirus for Android?

Each of the applications that have been mentioned are perfect in terms of the service they offer, however, “360 Security” should be highlighted as the best antivirus for Android.

This is because, although it does not have such highly developed features as AVG or Kaspersky, its main evolution is triggered by the detector it has, which executes truly efficient and selective analyzes.

In addition to this, thanks to the fact that it lacks other extra functions, it presents much smaller space requirements than any of its competitors, becoming incredibly light in its use.

It is worth mentioning its interface and design, which can be used very easily by anyone, it has buttons with specified functions so that the user knows what action they can perform by selecting their activation.

Also, it should be mentioned that it features the “Find my phone” feature that allows you to control your mobile in the event of theft or loss in a much easier way, unlike any other antivirus on the market.

Finally, there is the internal performance accelerator that it has, which cleans the device, eliminates unusable files, optimizes system executions and even closes unused applications in the system in a matter of seconds.

All this combined with the real-time protection it has, positions 306 security as the best security alternative to download on any Android device. Although for us, it is not worth having an antivirus on your smartphone. On a PC the thing changes, but we will leave this for another article.


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