
Best Computer Tower 【2020】? definitive guide?

Table of contents:


Not all users dare to buy a PC by parts, so we have decided to search for the best computer tower already assembled and list them in a guide as complete as possible. Broadly speaking, they are equipment supplied by prestigious manufacturers such as MSI, Asus, Corsair, etc. They are usually divided into categories such as gaming, design, and general purpose.

As always we will give the keys and a guide as complete as possible on how to choose the best equipment according to our needs, comparing hardware, design and of course its possible performance and best design.

Index of contents

Why choose a computer tower

If what a user is looking for is to buy a PC from scratch at the best price, choosing a computer tower pre-assembled by a manufacturer is not the best option, that should always be ahead, since this option is rather for users with computer knowledge.

But if what we want is a complete team, assembled by professionals, tested, with the operating system installed and registered with its password, then you are in the right guide. Undoubtedly, this is the main reason to buy equipment with these characteristics, ideal for those users who do not want to complicate their lives in the assembly of parts and for all those who do not have any idea of ​​computing.

In many cases we must recognize that the price of certain fully assembled computer towers does not differ too much from those that we can assemble ourselves. These are usually specially designed to take up little space, for example, those aimed at work teams and large batches for companies. Something that would otherwise be impossible if we opted for the option of assembly by parts.

In this guide we are not going to include Mini PCs, but we will deal with some models of All-In-One PCs, that is, computers that have a monitor and hardware integrated into a single computer, as they are used on a desktop such as towers traditional.

Types of computer tower according to their use

Before analyzing the elements that we must take into account and know in order to choose our best computer tower, it is convenient to differentiate or divide these devices according to their usefulness and the market to which they are directed, so we can find different groups:

PC All-In-One

We will not treat these teams as a category in itself, since there are teams of very diverse performance in this category that may well serve for the home or even for designers such as Macs. Its characteristic is very clear, a high resolution monitor with a small tower built into it and all the hardware inside, being then a computer embedded in the screen itself.

Home and multimedia

In this category we can group those computers that have basic hardware, that which is sufficient to run office programs, reproduce content in 4K and which take up little space and are inexpensive. In principle they are not intended to play at the level of the following.


A gaming tower is distinguished by having a CPU of 6 or more cores at high speeds and a dedicated graphics card, which provides much more graphics power to move games than the integrated CPU. It also has extravagant designs on a regular basis.

Work and companies

These types of towers are usually SFF type, that is, compact and flat format to put them on desks or place them under the monitor. There is also a wide range of hardware available in this category, but undoubtedly you bet on somewhat basic towers and an integrated operating system, usually Windows IoT, Pro or Enterprise, or directly without it so that the buyer can enter the one they want without spending on a license.. What the entrepreneur wants is a basic workstation for his employees, easy to maintain and cheap.

Design and Workstation

Although the essence of the Workstation is not the same as a design team, it can have similarities in hardware. In them we find processors of 8 cores or more commonly, including Intel Xeon, large capacities of RAM memory and dedicated graphics card Nvidia Quadro or similar depending on their orientation. With them the normal thing is to render video, images, work in CAD and BIM designs and run large volumes of programs.

Different design and optimized for your hardware

In terms of taste there is nothing written, and most users have their own preferences, either in aesthetics or in functionality. We believe design is one of the main reasons for choosing a computer tower instead of buying the case independently.

Aggressiveness and exclusive design

Manufacturers make their best efforts to provide the user with a striking, different product that can only be obtained if they buy the complete pack already assembled. There are gaming teams with an aggressive design, thanks to custom towers for the hardware they carry inside, with perfectly integrated liquid cooling, special hardware assembly, original lighting systems and much more.

Many of these chassis cannot even be classified in one of the size standards, ITX, Micro-ATX or ATX, since they are very different. Take the new Corsair One or MSI Trident as an example . Or for example All-In-One computers, without a tower as such and all the hardware integrated in the screen.


On the other hand, the functional component is also sought, equipment that fits in small spaces with SFF-type towers with a slim design. The typical ones we see on business computers that could not otherwise be obtained, since they have low-profile hardware or power supplies perfectly integrated into the chassis.

Indeed there are many types of chassis with increasingly daring designs and built for generic assemblies. But they will never be a perfect adaptation for the interior hardware, such as the chassis of the new MSI Prestige, compact, very small and with a very well studied assembly.

Choice of internal hardware

Just as design is important, we believe even more so is the hardware that is equipped inside a pre-assembled computer tower. And in scope it is possible to find both advantages and disadvantages, which we will analyze in each section.


In this section, we will find few innovations with equipment or hardware that we buy independently. The CPU is the component that performs all of the computer's operations, runs programs, and processes all tasks. In the absence of a graphics card, it will also process image and textures.

In the processor market there are two big manufacturers that monopolize all the sales that are Intel and AMD. Although it is true that many of these manufacturers prefer to mount Intel CPUs, we must know that those others that opt ​​for AMD are usually cheaper equipment.

Traditionally Intel has been the manufacturer that has taken the reins of the market, but in recent years, specifically in 2019 with the new generation of Ryzen 3000 and soon Ryzen 4000 processors, AMD has placed itself above Intel in gross performance. Being faster processors, with more cores and on top cheaper. As for gaming, both are very close, since Intel benefits from higher clock frequencies, which favors the performance of games and conceals the gap between them.


  • Intel Xeon: They are specially designed processors for servers, but we also find them in Workstation and Mac Pro computers. They are oriented to handle large volumes of data and programs. Intel Core ix 10000, 9000 and 8000: The Intel Core family encompasses the vast majority of processors, although current models are distinguished by these numerical codes, with 7000 and lower being considered as old. These CPUs range from 4 to 10 cores on the general-purpose LGA 1151 platform, and up to 16 cores on the LGA 2066 Workstation-oriented platform. Intel Pentium Gold and Silver: these processors will be very useful for work equipment and multimedia consumption, since they are economical and low consumption. They have 2 cores and 4 threads.


  • AMD Ryzen Threadripper: They are the most powerful and expensive AMD processors, equipped with up to 64 cores and oriented to Workstation, rendering, design and everything that requires the handling of many tasks. AMD Ryzen 4000, 3000 and earlier: it is the current generation is the 3000, with 7nm transistors and processors that reach up to 16 cores and 32 wires. They are the most powerful processors for desktop computers, ideal for gaming, high-end PCs and even Workstations due to their power. AMD 2000G, 3000G and Athlon: they are the APUs or processors with integrated graphics from AMD, equipped with 4 cores and 8 threads far superior to Pentium Gold and ideal for home equipment and multimedia consumption and even basic 2D and 3D games. AMD A series: they are the most basic of all, processors that also have 2 and 4 cores of low consumption and integrated GPU without reaching the performance of the previous ones. They are a good bet for thin clients and office jobs.

Graphic card

Another very important component for a computer will be the graphics card, which is responsible for managing everything related to the graphics and image of our equipment. Thanks to it we can play, render videos and images and ultimately process the image that reaches the monitor.

We must differentiate between a dedicated graphics card and an integrated graphics card, since its performance and function are very different.

Integrated graphics card

The integrated graphics card or in English IGP, is a chip directly integrated into the microprocessor, which is called the APU (Accelerated Processing Unit). This unit is responsible for processing the graphics, but its performance is much lower than a dedicated card, making it an option for gaming or design equipment.

On the contrary, it is a very good option for computer towers oriented to work, study and equipment for beginning users. We save a lot of money, decrease PC consumption, and still be able to stream content in 4K @ 60 FPS. The Intel Core processors arrive almost all integrated GPUs except “F” models and the LGA 2066 platform. AMD Ryzen G-series processors and AMD Athlon processors also have integrated graphics.

Dedicated graphics card

On the other side we have dedicated GPUs, which are those cards that are installed over a PCIe slot and that offer a high-performance processor and memory specially dedicated to graphics processing.

Currently, there are two manufacturers that manage this market, AMD and Nvidia, the latter being the one that offers cards with greater power and better performance, although AMD has closed the gap considerably in 2019.

Nvidia's best-known gaming-oriented graphics cards are the GeForce RTX and GTX with a large number of models and hardware Ray Tracing capabilities. While at AMD we have the latest generation Radeon RX with RDNA architecture, and behind it the Vega and the Polaris RX. Finally, Nvidia has a card specially built for design and rendering such as Quadro and Titan.

One of the small disadvantages of an already mounted computer tower is that the dedicated graphics cards that are normally installed are the basic models of each manufacturer.

Motherboard, memory, storage and PSU

We now continue with the rest of the basic hardware of a computer tower, a total of 4 components of vital importance to operate both CPU and GPU.

Base plate

The motherboard is the hardware that is responsible for interconnecting all the electronic elements of a computer and facilitating communication with them through a series of lanes where information travels.

The quality and performance of a motherboard will also influence the final performance of the computer and its expandability. In it we have the chipset, a set of chips in charge of processing the information that comes from the peripherals, the network and part of the storage and even the odd PCIe slot. There are chipsets for Intel and AMD, which determine the work platform next to the socket.

On a motherboard there are PCI-Express slots to connect new expansion cards such as the GPU, and SATA ports, those that are responsible for connecting hard drives. But there is a third type of very important slots which are M.2, into which high performance PCIe NVMe SSD hard drives are connected.

Manufacturers usually install motherboards with basic features and that only cover the minimum needs even in very expensive towers, something that we do not usually like too much because it limits connectivity. Among the weakest manufacturers in this regard is usually HP in its gaming configurations. While others like MSI put their own or simplified variants of good quality and features.


Along with the CPU and board, another vital element is RAM, which is responsible for temporarily storing all the programs that run on a computer. In desktop computers we always find RAM memory in DIMM modules, the largest ones, and there will be 2, 4 or 8 slots available according to the type of board and platform.

Currently all or almost all RAM memories are DDR4 type, and in a self-respecting PC we must have at least 8 GB of installed capacity, preferably using the Dual Channel function .

We can consider here another disadvantage compared to buying a component PC, since many manufacturers mount more basic 2666 MHz modules even in gaming equipment. The normal thing in these cases is to use frequencies of 3000 MHz or more, and modules equipped with a heatsink.


There are two types of storage that we can find depending on the interface and the connection used.

First, there are SATA drives, where there are mechanical hard drives or HDDs, the largest and highest capacity, ideal for data and games. And SSDs or solid drives, smaller, much faster and ideal for programs and the operating system.

In the second group we have the M.2 SSD drives, smaller and working directly on PCIe lanes much faster than the SATA interface. They are more expensive, but they are directly connected to the board without cables and without about 20 times faster than a mechanical SATA disk and 6 times faster than SATA SSDs.

At this point, the most recommended is to have hybrid storage, that is, an SSD more than between 250 and 512 GB for system and programs, and an HDD of 1 TB or more for data. The configurations will vary a lot but less than 512 GB in total we consider it inadmissible in a computer tower.


Finally, the power supply or Power Supply Unit is in charge of supplying the electrical energy to each and every one of the components of a PC.

Another criticism we often make of pre-assembled computer towers is about the power supply. Since these are usually not of comparable quality to those that we can buy independently.

In principle we do not have problems with the power, but with its efficiency certification, normally less than 80 Plus Silver even in high-end equipment, whereas they should be at least 80 Plus Gold. Especially lower mid-range computers tend to have very basic and less reliable PSUs.

Of course, if we think of a PC in SFF or very compact format, the range of sources is greatly reduced, and inevitably we will have to choose a computer tower already mounted or make it to order as it happens in schools, and companies with many equipment.

Component cooling

No less important than the hardware will be the cooling of each component. The processor, the graphics card and other elements always work at very high frequencies, which generate a lot of heat inside the transistors, which is why fans and heatsinks are required to prevent them from burning.

In the case of medium and high power equipment, a chassis is needed where there is an inlet air flow and an outlet air flow, to bring in cold air and take out hot air. In very powerful computers such as gaming or Worksation, large copper and aluminum heatsinks are needed in these components to individually cool them, and in this aspect many manufacturers fall short.

In addition to air fans and heatsinks, we also find liquid cooling systems. This consists of a closed circuit with a pump, radiator and fans through which a liquid circulates to cool the surface of the processor or graphics card. It is just like a car, and is used mainly in high-performance equipment as it is much more efficient and cleaner than air sinks.

They do not always provide these towers with the best systems, and in economic equipment they limit themselves to putting in the basics to save costs, although it is true that we can improve these systems if we buy new heatsinks, for ATX, ITX towers and even SFF equipment. with low profile heatsinks.

Operating system included

One of the biggest advantages of a fully assembled computer tower is that the manufacturer has usually included the operating system and also an activation license for it. This makes things much easier by not having the need to spend 100 euros or more on an official Windows license, if we set up our own team. Depending on the use for which the equipment has been thought, we can find distributions of Windows 10 Pro, IoT, Enterprise and others, something that is very good.

Obviously Mac computers already have their operating system installed and fully functional and with the original license. In other cases such as batches of business computers usually come empty, and licenses are purchased in large volumes so that they come out cheaper.

Another basic strategy is to buy a computer without a system as schools and institutes usually do and install a Linux distribution. This system is very complete and open source, so it does not require a license.

Advantages and disadvantages of buying a PC in pieces

Last but not least, let us cite what we believe to be the advantages and disadvantages of purchasing a pre-assembled computer tower. Obviously the other option is to assemble the equipment piece by piece.

Tower already assembled

  • No computer skills required No component manipulation Optimized equipment design Compact, All-In-One, ATX configurations etc. Balanced component configuration Many include licensed operating system A la carte configuration possible on some brands

PC assembled by parts

  • We choose the components We mount just the PC we want Individual component warranty It is cheaper if we assemble it Superior expansion capacity Components such as boards, heatsinks and storage of better quality

Tower already assembled

  • Some components are basic Less expandability The guarantee prevents the chassis from opening normally Price higher than the purchase by parts

PC assembled by parts

  • We need a generic chassis of any format We must buy / install the operating system separately Danger of the components in inexperienced hands You must have knowledge to choose the correct hardware We cannot mount certain configurations such as the All-In-One

In each case we have pros and cons as always, and undoubtedly for a daring user who has knowledge of what he does, the best option will always be to assemble a piece of equipment.

Best home and multimedia computer tower

What these types of users need is a well-balanced, inexpensive PC with hardware that allows them to play content in high resolution and run lightweight programs. For this reason, we see All-In-One systems or compact towers with the possibility of future expansion very indicated.

Dell Vostro

Dell Vostro 3470 3.6 GHz 8th Gen Intel Core i3 i3-8100 Black SFF PC
  • Processor frequency: 3.6GHz Processor family: Intel Core i3-8xxx Internal memory: 4GB Internal memory type: DDR4-SDRAM Total storage capacity: 1000GB
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The Dell Vostro is also an SFF format computer tower configuration available with different hardware configurations. We have chosen two with 4 and 6 core Intel Core i3-8100 and i5-9400 processors that will perform perfectly for all kinds of situations.

They come with 4 and 8 GB of RAM, configurations of 256 GB SSD and 1 TB HDD always with possibilities of expansion by having a tower that supports more storage units. We must bear in mind that being an SFF tower will not support dedicated graphics cards.

Dell Technologies VOSTRO 3470 I5-9400 8/256 W10P 1Y 679.00 EUR

Lenovo V530

Lenovo V530 AMD Ryzen 5 2400G 8 GB DDR4-SDRAM 256 GB SSD Black Tower PC - Desktop (3.6 GHz, AMD Ryzen 5, 8 GB, 256 GB, DVDRW, Windows 10 Pro) 718.60 EUR Buy on Amazon

We continue with another team that this time comes in the form of a very compact Micro ATX tower and available in configurations with Intel and AMD processor. The equipment has everything necessary for any user, including a DVD player that is no longer as usual, and versions in Windows 10 Home or Windows 10 Pro for the AMD version.

As for hardware, we have in this case an AMD Ryzen 5 2500G processor and integrated AMD Radeon Vega 11 graphics that are even capable of moving a current game in 720p, and Ryzen 3 2200G. On the Intel side we have an Intel Core i5 8400 quad core CPU with slightly more basic graphics. Perhaps its weak point is having only 256 GB SSD of storage, although with the possibility of expansion thanks to having a generic tower.

In any case, the manufacturer gives us the possibility to select the customized hardware that we want in its official store.

Lenovo Thinkcentre V530-15Arr Ryzen 3 8Gb Ssd 256Gb W10P, Black Lenovo thinkcentre v530-15arr ryzen 3 8gb ssd 256gb w10p; Lenovo; Black Lenovo V530, 2.8 GHz, 8 generation Intel Core i5 processors, 8 GB, 256 GB, DVD RW, Windows 10 Home € 678.55

HP 24 All In One

HP 24-f1017ns - All in One - 23.8 "FullHD desktop computer (AMD Ryzen 5 3500U, 8GB RAM, 512GB SSD + 1TB HDD, AMD Radeon, without operating system), white - Spanish QWERTY keyboard and mouse
  • 23.8-inch FullHD display, 1920x1080 pixels AMD Ryzen 5 3500U processor (4 cores, 6MB cache, 2.1GHz up to 3.7GHz) 8GB DDR4, 2400MHz RAM Memory Storage 512GB + 1TB HDD (7200rpm) Integrated graphics card amd Radeon Vega 8
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From this all-in-one system we like the great variety of models that it brings to the market and its ultra-thin design and ideal for any user who wants excellent benefits for the home without great pretensions. We just have to take into account that most models come without an operating system, being one of the cheapest configurations that we put in this section.

We can choose models with Intel Celeron Dual Core processors, or models with APU AMD A4, A9 and even Ryzen 5 3500U, a 4-core CPU and low power consumption of notebooks. The memory configurations range from 4 to 8 GB DDR4 alongside hybrid storage with 512 GB SDD + 1 TB HDD, which is extremely good. The screen offers a Full HD resolution with a 24 or 22 inch panel.

HP 24 -f0038ns 60.5 cm (23.8 ") 1920 x 1080 Pixels 3.1 GHz AMD A A9-9425 White All-in-One PC - All in One (60.5 cm (23.8") desktop, Full HD, AMD A, 8GB, 256GB, Windows 10 Home) HP All-in-One 22-c0044ns - 21.5 "FullHD All-in-One Computer (AMD Dual-Core A4-9125 APU, 4GB RAM, 256GB SSD, AMD Radeon R5, No Operating System) Snow White APU Processor Amd dual-core A4-9125 (1 mb cache, 2.3 ghz up to 2.6 ghz); 4 gb ddr4, 2133 mhz ram memory HP 22-c0027ns - All in One - Computer desktop 21.5 "FullHD Touch (Intel Celeron J4005, 4GB RAM, 256GB SSD, Intel Graphics, without operating system), white - Spanish QWERTY keyboard and mouse 21.5-inch FullHD touch screen, 1920x1080 pixels; Intel Celeron J4005 processor; 4GB DDR4 RAM

Acer Aspire Z 24

Acer Aspire Z24 Tout-In-Un i5 1.70GHz 8Go / 1To + 128Go SSD 23.8 DQ.BCBEF.001
  • Acer Aspire Z24 All-In-One i5 1.70GHz 8GB / 1TB + 128GB SSD 23.8 DQ.BCBEF.001 Computing. Acer brand. Get a moment of repetition to enjoy the sharpness and responsiveness of the touch screen. Manufacturer referenceDQ.BCBEF.001. EAN: 4710180108927.
1, 967.99 EUR Buy on Amazon

We continue with another high-end option for the home such as the Aspire Z 24, another All In One with a pre-installed Windows operating system and a 24-inch Full HD touch screen. In this case, it has an 8th generation 6-core Intel Core i7-8700T processor along with 16 GB of RAM and 1 TB of storage with Intel Optane Memory.

A team that will come in handy for those users who are fond of design, work from home, and even basic 3D games, with integrated Intel UHD Graphics 630 graphics. We can not ask for much more, although it is certainly a team with a high cost due to its exquisite design and extreme thinness.

Acer Aspire C27

Acer Aspire C27-865 All-In-One with Intel Core i5-8250U processor, 256GB SSD, 8GB RAM, 27 "FHD IPS display, Nvidia GMX130 2GB, Windows 10 Home, Black
  • Windows 10 Home Intel Core i5-8250U processor. 27-inch FHD IPS (1920 x 1080) screen. Nvidia GMX130 2 GBSSD 256 GB graphics card, 8 GB RAM
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The Aspire C27 family is another that gives us an All In One design with very good features at a relatively low cost for what it offers, obviously increased by its design. We find in it a 27 Full HD screen with Windows 10 Home pre-installed and extremely interesting features for medium and advanced level users.

It is made up of a low-power, 4-core laptop Intel Core i5-8250U CPU, 256GB NVMe SSD, 8GB DDR4 RAM and even a dedicated Nvidia GMX130 graphics card valid for basic gaming. The manufacturer has other cheaper 24-inch options also with notebook hardware.

Acer Aspire C24-865 all-in-one with Intel Core i3-8130U processor, 8GB RAM, 1000GB HDD, 23.8 "IPS FHD LED LCD display, Intel UHD graphics card, Wireless Lan, USB keyboard and mouse, Windows 10 Home Windows 10 Home; Intel Core i3-8130u processor; 23.8-inch IPS Full HD LED LCD (1920 x 1080) display. EUR 652.28

Best Computer Tower for Gaming

This section is about having powerful hardware with the latest generation CPU and high performance graphics card. It will surely be the most expensive equipment next to the Workstation, but they will not need hardware updates for a long time. Likewise, the cooling system is perfectly optimized and includes an operating system.

MSI Aegis 3 9th

msi Aegis 3 9SD-231 9th Gen Intel Core i7 i7-9700F 16 GB DDR4-SDRAM 1512 GB HDD + SSD Black Desktop PC Aegis 3 3 9SD-231, 3 GHz, 9th Gen Intel Core i7, i7-9700F, 16 GB, 1512 GB, Buy on Amazon

Surely the MSI Aegis saga is one of the most aggressive aesthetic configurations that we will see in this list and also one of the most adjusted in price. And it is that we can place it in the high range in gaming equipment without reaching the extreme configurations that we will now see.

Of course it has been upgraded to the latest generation of processors with a 6 core Intel Core 9700F along with 16GB of Dual Channel RAM. On it we have an Nvidia RTX 2070 Ventus 8G GPU and 512GB SSD NVMe + 1TB HDD storage. Includes Windows 10 Home, built-in WiFi connectivity and 450W 80 Plus Bronze power supply.

MSI Infinite X Plus 9th

MSI Infinite X Plus 9SD-492XIB - Gaming Desktop (Intel Core i7-9700K, 1TB HDD + 512GB SSD, NVIDIA RTX 2070 Super 8GB, no OS) Black
  • Intel core i7-9700K processor (3.6GHz up to 4.9GHz) 16GB DDR4 (2400MHz) RAM 512GB SSD hard drive and 1TB (7200rpm) HDD 8GB Nvidia GeForce RTX 2070 Super graphics card No operating system
2, 199.99 EUR Buy on Amazon

Don't let its generic ATX tower design fool you, because inside we have a real gaming beast. We have analyzed this X Plus version, the one that has the most powerful hardware, although we found a bit more affordable versions also with Nvidia RTX and 9th generation Intel processors that we will leave below. Its ATX tower supports enough hardware expansion and they integrate a complete Mystic Light lighting system that will delight the user.

This Infinite series starts with Intel Core i5-9400 processors until it reaches the powerful i9-9900K, with between 16 and 32 GB of RAM at 2666 MHz. As for graphics cards we also have enough to choose from, starting from an Nvidia GTX 16600 Ti through the new RTX 2080 Super until we reach the RTX 2080 Ti. We have placed them we believe are the best option for the mid, high and enthusiastic range. The X Plus versions come with liquid cooling for the CPU.

For more information visit our review of the MSI Infinite X Plus 9th

Msi Infinite x Plus 9se-297eu - Desktop (Intel Core i7-9700k, 16GB ram, 2TB HDD and 512GB ssd, nvidia geforce RTX 2080 Ventus, Windows 10 Home) Black. Intel core i7-9700k processor (3.6ghz up to 4.9ghz); 16gb (8gb x 2) ram memory ddr4 2400mhz € 2, 799.00 MSI Infinite 9SC-802EU - Gaming Desktop (Intel Core i5-9400, 8GB RAM, 128GB SSD + 1TB HDD, Nvidia GeForece RTX 2060 Aero ITX 6GB, Windows 10 Home) Black Intel core i5-9400 processor (6 cores, 19MB cache, 2.9GHz up to 4.1GHz); 8GB DDR4 2666MHz RAM $ 1, 299.99 MSI Infinite S 9SI-046XIB - Gaming Desktop (Intel Core i5-9400, 8GB RAM, 128GB SSD + 1TB HDD, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660Ti Ventus 6GB, no OS) Black Intel Core i5-9400 processor (6 cores, 19 MB Cache, 2.9 GHz up to 4.1 GHz); 8GB DDR4 2666MHz RAM

MSI Trident A 9th

MSI Trident A 9SC-634XIB - Gaming Desktop Computer (Intel Core i7-9700K, 16GB RAM, 2TB HDD + 512GB SSD, NVIDIA RTX 2060 Super 6GB, no OS) Black
  • Intel Core i7-9700K processor (3.6GHz up to 4.9GHz) 16GB RAM DDR4 512GB SSD hard drive and 2TB HDD (5400rpm) Nvidia GeForce RTX 2060 Super 6GB GDDR6 graphics card No operating system
1, 699.99 EUR Buy on Amazon

The Trindet A is another of the teams that showed the highest performance in terms of analysis of computer towers mounted with mid / high-end hardware. In this model we have the perfect combination of an Intel Core i7-9700K together with a Nvidia RTX 2060 Ventus 6G graphics card . Its 16 GB of RAM team up with a configuration of 2 TB HDD and 512 GB SDD NVMe.

It is one of the most compact gaming equipment there is, with a tower in SFF format and exquisite hardware installation inside. The price of this unit that we describe is quite cheap for the hardware it carries, although it must be said that it comes without an operating system, a small price to pay that undoubtedly is profitable. However there are versions with Windows 10 Home installed.

For more information visit our analysis of the MSI Trident A 9th

MSI Trident A 9SC-085EU - Desktop (Intel Core i5-9400, 16GB RAM, 1TB HDD and 256GB SSD, NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060, Windows 10 Home) Black Intel core i5-9400 processor; 16gb (8gb x 2) ddr4 ram memory; 1 tb of hard disk and ssd of 256 gb pcie (1 x 256 gb) m.2 nvme 1, 857.39 EUR

MSI Trident X Plus 9th

MSI Trident X Plus 9SE-088EU - Desktop (Intel Core i7-9700K, 16GB RAM, 1TB HDD, 256GB SSD, NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Ventus, Windows 10 Home) Black
  • Intel core i7-9700k processor (3.6ghz up to 4.9ghz) 16gb ram memory (8gb x 2) 1tb hard drive and 256gb ssd pcie (1 x 256gb) m.2 nvmeNvidia geforce rtx graphics card 2080 ventus 8 gb Windows 10 Home operating system
2, 499.00 EUR Buy on Amazon

If the previous family is still not enough for us, then we have the latest version released by the Taiwanese. The Trident X Plus offers a practically the same tower format but with RGB lighting and even stronger hardware. The cooling of the hardware is still by air, although it has a side with an opening to improve these features and a glass panel.

What changes the most is the hardware, since now we find the Core i9-9900K inside as a top range and then an i7-9700K as a game. There are two graphics card configurations, both extreme such as the RTX 2080 Super and the RTX 2080 Ti. As usual we have versions with 16, 32 or 64 GB of RAM, and attention up to 4 TB of storage with 2 TB HDD and 2 TB NVMe SSD. The operating system may be Windows 10 Pro or Windows 10 Home, and the price of the most powerful version reaches 4100 euros.

MSI Trident X Plus 9SE-613EU - Desktop (Intel Core i7-9700K, 16GB RAM, 1TB HDD, 1TB SSD, Nvidia GeForce RTX 2080 Super Ventus, Windows 10 Home) Black Intel core i7-9700k processor (8 cores, 12 mb cache, 3.6 ghz up to 4.9 ghz); 16gb u-dimm ddr4 ram $ 3, 166.89 MSI Trident X Plus 9SF-490EU - Desktop (Intel Core i7-9700K, 32GB RAM, 2TB SSD, Nvidia GeForce RTX 2080 Ti Ventus, Windows 10 Home) Black Intel core i7-9700k processor (8 cores, 12 mb cache, 3.6 ghz up to 4.9 ghz); 32gb (16gb x 2) ram memory ddr4 EUR 2, 749.00 MSI Trident X Plus 9SF-489EU - Desktop (Intel Core i9-9900K, 32GB RAM, 2TB SSD, Nvidia GeForce RTX 2080 Ti Ventus, Windows 10 Home) Black Intel core i9-9900k processor (8 cores, 16 mb cache, 3.6 ghz up to 5.0 ghz); 32gb (16gb x 2) ram memory ddr4 MSI Trident X Plus 9SF-488EU - Desktop (Intel Core i9-9900K, 64GB RAM, 2TB HDD, 2TB SSD, Nvidia GeForce RTX 2080 Ti Ventus, Windows 10 Pro) Black Intel core i9-9900k processor (8 cores, 16 mb cache, 3.6 ghz up to 5.0 ghz); 64gb ram memory (32gb x 2) ddr4

Corsair ONE i140 and variants

Corsair ONE i140 Compact Gaming Hat Computer, Intel Core i7-9700K, Nvidia GeForce RTX 2080, M.2 480GB SDD, 2TB HDD, 32GB DDR4, Windows 10, Black
  • CORSAIR ONE i140 redefines what to expect from a high-performance PC Incredibly fast, surprisingly compact, quiet and with a sophisticated design that stands out on the desktop, it is not limited to being under the same CORSAIR ONE i140 boasts the latest in PC technology Performance, featuring an eight-core INTEL Core i7-9700K processor, NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 graphics, and award-winning CORSAIR DDR4 memory Clad in a 2mm thick brushed aluminum case The CORSAIR ONE i140's ultra-compact and minimal form factor is designed to show from above the desk
3, 000.84 EUR Buy on Amazon

Another of the most extreme and original configurations that we find in the current scene is that of the Corsair ONE. There will be a total of 4 models plus the two versions of the design-oriented Corsair ONE Pro. Its peculiarities already begin in its aesthetics, being a compact aluminum cylinder-shaped tower with RGB lighting.

But if we open it, we find custom liquid cooling systems for both GPU and CPU, exquisitely integrated and that certainly gives an extra performance in games as our analysis showed. The versions have Intel Core i7-9700K and i9-9900K as expected, along with Nvidia RTX 2080 and 2080 Ti GPUs. In all cases we find 32 GB of Corsair Vengeance RAM and the storage can go up to 3 TB combining 1 TB SSD NVMe and 2 TB HDD.

For more information visit our Corsair ONE i140 review

Corsair ONE i145 Compact Gaming PC, Intel Core i7-9700K, Nvidia GeForce RTX 2080 8GB with liquid cooling, NVMe M.2 960GB, HDD 2TB, 32GB (2x16GB) Venegance LPX DDR4 2666MHz, Black Mode Zero RPM enables quiet fanless operation when idle 3, 199.00 EUR Corsair ONE i164 Compact Gaming PC, Intel Core i9-9900K, Nvidia GeForce RTX 2080 Ti 11GB with liquid cooling, NVMe M.2 960GB, HDD 2TB, 32GB (2x16GB) Vengeance LPX DDR4 2666MHz, Black Zero RPM mode allows silent fanless operation when idle

Best Computer Tower for Design and Workstation

Like gaming computers, these have a dedicated graphics card, it may well be an Nvidia Quadro, AMD cards as in the case of Macs or GPUs, which are somewhat more discreet for teams oriented to graphic and artistic design. There are interesting All-In-One configurations ideal for architectural offices and powerful towers with Intel Xeon for rendering and working with databases.

MSI Prestige P100 9th

Not many computer towers with design and style are as refined and elegant as the Prestige P100. A team that we have also tested and that reaches its excellence with the ultra wide 5K2K monitor MSI Prestige PS341WU that we will obtain for the modest price of 1300 euros plus 3800 of the team.

Bottom line, an extreme Intel Core i9-9900K configuration, Nvidia RTX 2080 Ti Ventus, 68GB DDR4, and 5TB of storage with a 2TB dual HDD in RAID 0 and 1TB SD NVMe Samsung PM981. We will not have liquid cooling for your hardware, although we will have 80 Plus Gold or Platinum power supply. One of the most powerful and best designed on the entire list.

MSI Prestige P100 9SE-047ES - Desktop (Intel Core i9-9900K, 64 GB RAM, 4 TB HDD, 1 TB SSD, RTX 2080 Super, Windows 10 Pro) Black
  • Intel core i9-9900k processor (8 cores, 16 mb cache, 3.6 ghz up to 5.0 ghz) 32 gb ram memory 4 tb (2 tb x 2) gb disk and 1 tb ssd 8 gb rtx 2080 super graphics card Operating system windows 10 pro
3, 820.00 EUR Buy on Amazon

For more information visit our analysis of the MSI Prestige P100 9th

MSI Prestige P100 9SI-021IB - Desktop (Intel Core i7-9700K (F), 32GB RAM, 1TB SSD, GTX 1660 Ti Ventus, Windows 10 Pro) White Intel core i7-9700k (f) processor; 32gb ddr4 ram memory; 1tb ssd; Graphics card gtx 1660 ti ventus MSI Prestige P100A 9SD-049ES - Desktop computer (Intel Core i7-9700F, 32 GB RAM, 2 TB HDD, 1 TB SSD, RTX 2070 Super, Windows 10 Pro) Black Intel core i7-9700f processor (8 cores, 12 mb cache, 3.00 ghz up to 4.7 ghz); 32gb ram memory € 2, 360.00 MSI Prestige P100 9SF-072IB - Desktop (Intel Core i9-9900K, 64GB RAM, 4TB HDD, 1TB SSD, RTX 2080 Ti Ventus, Windows 10 Pro) White Intel processor core i9-9900k (8 cores, 16 mb cache, 3.6 ghz up to 5.0 ghz); 32gb ram memory € 4, 148.32

HP Envy Curved All-in-One & ProOne

HP Envy Curved All-in-One 7VL04EA - 34 "WQHD All-in-One Computer (Intel Core i7-9700T, 16GB RAM, 512GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 Home) Snow White
  • Intel core i7-9700t processor (8 cores, 12 mb cache, 2 ghz up to 4.3 ghz) 16 gb ddr4 ram memory, 2666 mhzSsd 512 gb + 1 tb hdd (7200 rpm) Windows 10 home operating system
2, 374.53 EUR Buy on Amazon

If what we are looking for is a high performance team oriented to day-to-day and design at an advanced and professional level, we believe that this new version of HP AIO is ideal for it. It has an ultra-wide curved screen of no less than 34 inches with 3440x1440p resolution.

It has high-end hardware consisting of an Intel Core i7-9700, 16 GB of RAM and hybrid storage with 512 GB SSD and 1 TB HDD. It also has a dedicated Nvidia GTX 1050 graphics card ideal for gaming or for design addicts. It is the best-performing version, ahead of AIO ProOne and Pavilion.

HP ProOne 400 G4-20 "- 1600x900 - Intel Core i3-9100T - 8GB - 1000GB HDD Black HP ProOne 400 G4, 50.8 cm (20"), HD +, Intel Core i3-9xxx, 8 GB, 1000 GB, Windows 10 Pro 870.01 EUR HP ProOne 400 G5 60.5 cm (23.8 ") 1920 x 1080 Pixel 9th ​​Gen Intel CoreTM i5 i5-9500T 8 GB DDR4-SDRAM 1000 GB HDD PC All-in-One Easy to install. Connect the Power outlet to plug and you're up and running.; Compact, stylish design. EUR 1, 050.76 HP ProOne 400 G4 AiO 3-8100T (3.1GHz), 20 "HD + LED, 4GB, HDD 500GB, DVDRW, NO Keypad, WiFi, Bluetooth, Webcam, ACA 90W, Warranty 1/1/0 Euro - Win10 Pro64 (Refurbished) 535.00 EUR

Apple iMac 27 inch

New Apple iMac (27-inch with Retina 5K display, Intel Core i5 3.0-core 8 GHz 8th Gen, 1TB)
  • 27-inch (diagonal) 5k retina display with 5, 120-by-2, 880 resolution Spectacular 5-mm-thick design 8th or 9th-generation six-core Intel core i5 processor (27-inch model) Graphics radeon pro 570x, 575x or 580x (27-inch model) Two thunderbolt 3 ports (usb-c)
Buy on Amazon

If there is a desktop computer for design par excellence that is the Apple iMac, renovated in every way with more powerful hardware and even better screen. It will not be the most powerful on the list, but there is no All In One equal for the quality of its retina 5K screen and MacOS operating system.

It is available in 21.5 and 27 inches, with quite a variety of hardware that starts from the Intel Core i3 quad-core up to a Core i9 8-core. In all cases we have 8 GB of RAM and 1 TB HDD combined with up to 1 TB NVMe SSD. Apple continues to use dedicated AMD Radeon Pro 555X and 560X graphics or Intel Iris Plus 640 embedded in CPUs. The versatility that Apple gives us for design is unmatched, although its price is not exactly the smallest.

New Apple iMac (27-inch with Retina 5K display, ninth-generation 3.7GHz 6-core Intel Core i5, 2TB) 27-inch 5k retina display (diagonal) with 5, 120-by-2, 880 resolution; Spectacular 5mm thick Apple iMac Pro design - 27 "computer (Retina 5K display, 3.2GHz 8-core Intel Xeon W processor) 27-inch Retina 5K display (diagonal) with 5, 120-by-2, 880 resolution; Spectacular 5 mm thick design 4, 999.00 EUR New Apple iMac (21.5 inches with Retina 4K display, Intel Core i5 six-core 3.0 GHz eighth generation, 1TB) INTEL CORE.I5 DUAL NCLEO PROCESSOR FROM SPTIMA GENERATION; SPECTACULAR DESIGN OF 5 MM THICKNESS 1, 519.00 EUR

Asus ProArt PA90

ASUS ProArt PA90-M9002ZN 9th gen Intel Core i9 i9-9900K 32GB DDR4-SDRAM 512GB SSD Blue PC - Desktop (3.6GHz, 9th gen Intel Core i9, i9-9900K, 32GB, 512GB, Windows 10 Pro)
  • Next Generation Intel processor I9-9900K NVIDIA Quadro P4000 graphics card 512GB Thunderbolt 3.0SSD port with additional slot to add 2.5 inch storage Windows 10 PRO installed
3.185, 11 EUR Buy on Amazon

It is another of the most extreme beasts we can find on the market for content creators and professional CAD designers. With a design very similar to the Corsair ONE in the shape of a cylindrical tower, we have a desktop with Windows 10 Pro pre-installed and a single configuration for its version and another for the D940MX that is not yet available.

Inside we have as expected a Core i9-9900K, 32 GB of RAM along with a dedicated Nvidia Quadro P4000 graphics card as a top range of those oriented to design. To this we add 512 GB SSD and we do not know how much in HDD, although we imagine that it is expandable. It also does not give up the Thunderbolt 3 connectivity much needed in this type of equipment or possible configurations with Nvidia RTX. For cooling, a liquid cooling system is used in the case of the PA90 and a value chamber in the D940MX.

HP Z4 G4

HP Z4 G4 Intel Xeon W-2123 16 GB DDR4-SDRAM 512 GB SSD Black Workstation - Desktop (3.60 GHz, Intel Xeon, 16 GB, 512 GB, DVDRW, Windows 10 Pro) 1, 970.56 EUR Buy on Amazon

The Z4 G4 model that HP proposes to us is a pure workstation, when it comes to us in a fairly standard ATX size tower clearly oriented to a high expandability. It is very important to know that some models do not come with an integrated graphics card, and the Nvidia Quadro or any other will be available separately for this and other HP.

Inside we have a whole Intel Xeon W-2123 with 4 cores and 8 threads of execution together with a board with X299 chipset and high capacity of expansion for PCIe card. It has 256 or 512 GB of SSD storage next to HDD drive, of course supporting RAID 0, 1, 5 and 10. It is part of a configuration of 16 GB of ECC RAM and includes Windows 10 Pro operating system. The MT version includes the 5GB Nvidia Quadro P2000 GPU and the 6C / 12T Xeon W-2135.

HP Z4 G4 3.6GHz W-2123 Black Tower Workstation - Desktop (3.60 GHz, Intel Xeon, 16 GB, 256 GB, DVD-RW, Windows 10 Pro for Workstations) EUR 2, 350.00 HP PC Workstation Z4 G4 MT, XEON W-2135.32GB, 512GB SSD, DRW, CARD. GRAF (NVIDIA Quadro P2000 5GB), W10PRO, 3 AOS € 3, 251.93

Lenovo ThinkStation P520

Lenovo ThinkStation P520 Tower 30BE008VGE W2135 32GB 512 / SSD W10P 2, 566.80 EUR Buy on Amazon

We also did not want to leave behind the Workstation configuration that Lenovo offers us, a manufacturer with a great presence in the desktop equipment market with good-level components and adjusted prices. The P520 is presented to us in multiple configurations that install Intel Xeon W-2102, W-2125 and W-1235 processors of up to 6 cores.

To this main hardware are added configurations without a graphics card for the user to decide which one to put, or in their case Nvidia Quadro P1000 and P2000 ideal for rendering as you already know. RAM ranges from 8 to 32 GB DDR4 ECC at 2666 MHz, while storage appears to be entirely mechanical from 1 TB to 6 TB. We can choose to introduce a PCIe or SATA SSD to install the operating system of course.

In any case, the manufacturer gives us the possibility to select the customized hardware that we want in its official store.

Lenovo ThinkStation P330 9th Gen Intel Core i7 i7-9700K 16 GB DDR4-SDRAM 512 GB SSD Black Tower PC - Desktop (3.6 GHz, 9th Gen Intel Core i7, 16 GB, 512 GB, DVDRW, Windows 10 Pro) 1, 408.30 EUR Lenovo ThinkStation P330 TWR G2-30CY000RSP 1, 705.70 EUR

Best computer tower for companies and jobs

Finally, we leave some basic equipment and hardware configurations geared towards use in office workstations, thin clients with a network system and economic workstations. In some cases we have a pre-installed system and in others not, being a good option to buy batches of Windows licenses or Linux installations.

HP 290 G2

HP 290 G2 Intel Pentium Gold G5500 4 GB DDR4-SDRAM 1000 GB Black Hard Drive Micro Tower PC - Desktop (3.8 GHz, Intel Pentium Gold, 4 GB, 1000 GB, DVD-RW, Windows 10 Pro) Buy on Amazon

This equipment is not the cheapest nor the most compact, since it is a Micro-ATX size computer tower available in a large number of configurations. We have chosen what we consider most interesting for work teams in institutes and university centers and positions for workers where a medium and high volume of tasks and performance are required.

The models start with Intel Pentium Gold G5500 processors and 4 GB of RAM for just 400 euros, and go up to a worthy Intel Core i5-8500 with 8 GB of RAM, 1 TB HDD, and Windows 10 Pro pre-installed and activated. With it we can even create virtual machines for teaching, run design programs and much more.

HP 290 G2 Small-Form-Factor-PC Intel Core i3-9100, 8GB RAM, 256GB SSD, Win10 Pro € 631.75 HP 290 G2 MT i3-8100 4GB 1TB W10Pro € 399.00 HP290 G2 MT I5-8500 8 / 1T W10P Hp290 g2 mt i5-8500 8 / 1t w10p € 647.35

Acer Veriton X2660G

Acer Veriton X2660G Small from Factor PC Intel Core i3-9100, 8GB RAM, 256GB SSD, Intel HD 630 Grafik, Windows 10 Pro
  • Processor: Intel Core i3-9100. Graphics chip: Intel UHD Graphics 630. Data storage: 256 GB. Chipset: Intel B360. RAM memory: 8192 MB.
Buy on Amazon

Of the Acer Veriton, the versions with a tower in SFF format that have Intel Core i3-9100 and i5-8400 processors have called special attention to us. Computers with a similar performance to the HP 290 and also a similar price, since it has Windows 10 Pro and a very good 8 GB of RAM.

The format is much more compact to be placed under monitors, with up to 4 video outputs. The versions do not stay only in these two, since we also find Core i7-8700 and i5-9400 processors, although we think that their price is somewhat high for SMEs and offices. We will update the equipment list because soon enough new models will appear.

Acer Veriton X2660G / i5-8400 8G 256G W10Pro

Lenovo IdeaCentre

Lenovo Ideacentre 510S-07ICB - Desktop (Intel Core i3-8100, 8GB RAM, 1TB HDD, IntelHD Graphics, no Operating System) Silver
  • Intel Core i3-8100 processor, QuadCore, 3.6Ghz 8GB RAM, DDR4 1TB HDD storage, 7200rpm Integrated Intel UHD Graphics 630 graphics card Operating system: No operating system
405.59 EUR Buy on Amazon

The Lenovo IdeaCentre is a series that has given quite a lot of success and sales to the manufacturer, although its production has been replaced by the Think Centers and 9th generation CPUs. But we have preferred to place these as they are very economical and valid equipment for work centers, thanks to the towers in SFF format, its excellent connectivity for students, and its competent hardware.

One of the cheapest models can be found with Intel Core i3-8100 CPU, 8 GB of RAM, 1 TB HDD and integrated Intel HD graphics. Many of them, like the one mentioned, are without an operating system to save costs. The most powerful of them ranges from 1000 euros and has a 6-core i7-8700, 8 GB of RAM, 1 TB HDD and even Nvidia GTX 1050 Ti graphics card, being an excellent option for architecture and similar tasks.

Lenovo Ideacentre 510S - Desktop (Intel Core i5-7400, 8GB RAM + 16GB Intel Optane, 1TB HDD, Intel HD Grahpics 630, Windows 10) Silver - Spanish QWERTY keyboard + mouse Intel Core i5-7400 processor, Quadcore 3GHz up to 3.5GHz; 8GB DDR4 RAM, 2400Mhz + 16GB Intel Optane 699.99 EUR Lenovo Ideacentre 310S-08ASR - Desktop (AMD A9-9425, 8GB RAM, 1TB HDD, AMD Radeon R5 Graphics, Windows10) Silver AMD A9-9425 processor, DualCore 3.1Ghz up to 3.7Ghz; 8GB RAM, DDR4; 1TB HDD Storage, 7200rpm EUR 381.27 Lenovo Ideacentre 510-15ICB - Desktop (Intel Core i5-8400, 8GB RAM, 512GB SSD, Intel HD Grahpics, Windows10) Silver - Spanish QWERTY keyboard + USB mouse Intel Core i5 processor -8400, HexaCore 2.8 GHz to 4GHz, 9MB; 8GB DDR4 2666Mhz RAM 649.99 EUR Lenovo Ideacentre 510A-15ICB - Desktop (Intel Core i7-8700, 8GB RAM, 1TB HDD, Nvidia GTX1050Ti-4GB, no OS) gray Intel Core i7-8700 processor, HexaCore 3.2GHz up to 4.6GHz; 16GB RAM, DDR4 2666 EUR 1, 005.63

HP Slimline

HP Slimline 290-a0022ns - Desktop tower computer (AMD Dual-Core A4, 4 GB RAM, 256 GB SSD, AMD Radeon R3, No operating system), black
  • Apu processor Amd dual-core a4-9125 (1 mb cache, 2.3 ghz up to 2.6 ghz) 4 gb ddr4, 1866 mhz RAM 256 gb SSD storage Integrated amd radeon r3 graphics card No operating system
199.00 EUR Buy on Amazon

And if what you are looking for is a computer that is as cheap as possible oriented to basic tasks and that takes up as little space as possible, the preferred option may be the HP Slimline series. These are very thin designed ITX computer towers that take up very little space on the desktop. Available in many different models, mainly with AMD CPUs from the A series and Intel Core i3, some with an installed operating system and others not.

Specifically, they have AMD A4, A9 or Core i3-8100 processors, all of them Dual Core. its storage starts from the 128 GB SSD reaching hybrid configurations with 128 SS + 1 TB HDD but only 500 euros. They also have integrated WiFi in some cases. They are somewhat fair options for students, that is ahead, but for thin clients that obtain the system from the network or text editing tasks and others do more than enough.

HP Slimline 290-a0006ns - Desktop computer (AMD A4-9125, 8GB RAM, 256GB SSD, AMD Radeon R5, no operating system), black AMD A4-9125 processor; 8GB DDR4 RAM; 256GB solid hard drive; Integrated graphics card Radeon R5 386.32 EUR PC HP Slimline 290-P0088NS - I3-8100 3.6GHZ - 8GB - 1TB + 128GB - DVD RW - VGA - HDMI - LAN GIGABIT - WiFi AC - BT - W10 - Tec + R Frequency of processor: 3.6ghz; Processor family: intel core i3-8xxx; Internal memory: 8GB 564.75 EUR

Conclusions on the best computer tower on the market

It is not easy to find preassembled equipment good enough to make a good list where the user is happy with their purchase. As indicated in some of them, some of the manufacturers ultimately offer to modify the hardware characteristics of the equipment, in order to adapt them to the needs of each one, for example Lenovo.

In many other Online stores like PC Components they directly market configurations assembled by their technical team with well-recognizable components and chassis from markets like Corsair. In these cases they also offer hardware customization services and therefore it would be of little guidance to place such equipment here.

We hope you have found the ideal equipment for your needs in this list, for lack of variety it certainly is not. Yes, we would have liked that the main manufacturers used more AMD Ryzen processors, since we see very little presence in the market for them, being options equal to or better than Intel.

We leave you now with our ideal configuration guides if you have made the decision to buy by parts:

If you know of any relevant families or brands that don't appear, leave a comment below so we can update this list. What type of PC are you looking for?


Editor's choice

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