Best wifi repeaters on the market 【2020】?

Table of contents:
- WiFi networks and their utility
- What is a WiFi repeater
- Other ways to expand our WiFi
- WiFi extender
- WiFi Mesh
- When we need a WiFi repeater
- Current WiFi standards
- WiFi 6 support
- Features a WiFi repeater must have
- Coverage
- Bandwidth and antennas
- Standard on which it operates
- Number of ethernet ports
- Management and firmware
- The best WiFi repeaters on the market
- NETGEAR EX2700 (N300)
- TP-Link RE200 (AC750)
- PIX-Link AC1200M (AC1200)
- NETGEAR EX6120 (AC1200)
- TP-Link RE305 (AC1200)
- D-Link DAP 1620 (AC1300)
- TP-Link RE450 (AC1750)
- Asus RP-AC68U (AC1900)
- NETGEAR EX7300 (AC2200)
- TP-Link RE650 (AC2600)
- NETGEAR EX8000 (AC3000)
- Conclusions on the best WiFi repeaters on the market
WiFi connectivity is much more important than wired networks, at least it is like that at home. That is why we have decided to make this guide of the best WiFi repeaters on the market where we will know the latest models available as well as their main features.
Index of contents
And as always we will create a complete guide with all the keys about this type of devices and the differences with the WiFi Mesh systems , PLCs and WiFi extenders, of which we will also see different models along with the repeaters.
WiFi networks and their utility
Everyone at home has a router or router that will provide us with an Internet connection. Thanks to him we can go from our house to the external network to consume content, browse pages and talk on social networks. This section works on the network layer of the OSI model, and will be in charge of selecting the route of the packets that enter and leave the network.
Most routers already have wired and WiFi connectivity. In the first case, what we will do is connect a cable from our computer to the router, which will be called the Ethernet LAN because it operates under the IEEE 802.3 standard.
And the second case is the one that interests us, since in addition to creating a LAN, it is also capable of creating a WLAN (Wireless LAN). In this way we connect wirelessly to the router, using electromagnetic waves and also in an encrypted and secure way, to be able to do exactly the same as through the cable.
The WiFi network operates on the IEEE 802.11 standard, whose fundamental difference with the previous one is that it uses another datagram structure to transport data. The advantage over the wired network is obvious: giving us much greater coverage and mobility in portable devices that do not have an Ethernet port. The good thing about a WLAN is that it is part of the LAN, so all devices can see each other and share data if we want to.
Today's WiFi networks are just as powerful or even superior to wired connections from a router. We have a bandwidth greater than Gigabit per second and latencies of just several milliseconds, making them clearly the current trend.
What is a WiFi repeater
A WiFi repeater is a device capable of expanding the WiFi coverage of our router. We know that a Wi-Fi router will offer us a certain coverage, depending on the power of its antennas, type of frequency, etc. The repeater will connect as another WiFi client to the router but with the ability to amplify that same signal so that it reaches a greater distance.
When we talk about WiFi amplifier, we are dealing with repeaters and extenders, and it is not exactly the same as we will see now. In this case, a WiFi repeater, in addition to amplifying the signal, creates a new network different from that of the router. This means that it will create one or two new WiFi connection points in addition to the existing ones with the router. Then we will have to connect to the different points when we need it, fortunately this will be done automatically by our laptop, smartphone or tablet.
But although a new access point is created, our internal network does not change, that is, the other WiFi repeater on the same WLAN normally. This means that the device will have an IP supplied by the router, and also the IP addresses of the clients connected to it will also be supplied by the router. This way we can ensure that the teams see each other.
WiFi repeaters are the most economical and basic solution to expand our WiFi, very useful in home networks where we prioritize good and wide coverage over pure bandwidth. And is that normally these devices are not too powerful in this regard, but they are much cheaper than meshed systems, being available from 15 euros.
Another advantage that we have in most models is that they also have one or two Ethernet ports. So it is possible to take out a couple of wired clients that are very far from the router, for example a Smart TV or another desktop PC. These links will normally be 100 Mbps or some 1 Gbps for high power points.
Other ways to expand our WiFi
WiFi repeaters are considered the most basic solution for expanding the wireless home network, but there are other more complete devices, although they are also more expensive.
WiFi extender
Many users can consider a WiFi extender as a WiFi repeater and they won't go wrong, and they will even be mixed terms in the stores that sell them.
The main difference between a WiFi repeater and an extender is that the latter picks up and amplifies the WiFi signal from the router, and in principle does not create any new access point as in the case of the repeater.
Another important difference is that these extenders also have a wired connection to the router. We can provide wireless connectivity to a router that does not have it, thus creating a new WLAN interconnected with the LAN of the router itself. That could rather be called meshed WiFi, but it's not exactly the same either.
We in this guide will treat the same way to a WiFi extender and a repeater, since the vast majority of devices combine both functions.
WiFi Mesh
The following WiFi extension system is found in meshed systems. These we can consider as the most advanced in this regard, both in functionality and bandwidth.
A Mesh system is made up of several exactly the same routers or, where appropriate, a router and several access points capable of interconnecting with each other and forming virtually a single network device.
Usually these are identical routers, for example, the Asus ZenWiFi or the TP-Link Deco. In them, we will connect any router to the WAN and other equipment at different points in the house. They will automatically interconnect and generate a coverage mesh in which our portable equipment will automatically connect to the point with the best coverage.
The mesh system considerably improves bandwidth by having a trunk link between routers that can be up to 4 antennas (4 × 4) and 4.8 Gbps if it is WiFi 6. The system is managed through an App or directly from the firmware of the router that acts as the main one. The system is scalable with all the devices we want, as long as they are the same or compatible.
PLC stands for Power Line Communications and the peculiarity of this type of extender devices is that they are capable of transmitting the network signal through electricity cables. Therefore, it uses the electrical installation of our house to extend the network coverage, whether WiFi or wired.
The PLCs have a first stage of a repeater in which they take the signal through an RJ45 or through the WiFi of the router and inject it into the home electrical network. In the second stage we have a normal and current access point that will supply network signal both wirelessly and by cable if they have RJ45 ports. As in the previous cases, we can place one or several access points to further amplify the coverage of our house.
Network coverage does not extend to the entire electrical installation, but to a certain range or distance, just like WiFi. In addition, the quality of the link will depend on the quality of the electrical installation and how well it is made.
When we need a WiFi repeater
In this guide we only select the best WiFi repeaters on the market, those that offer the best guarantees of performance, bandwidth and coverage. Always considering different budgets and possibilities of course.
The main reason to buy a WiFi repeater is to have coverage that is large enough to cover our entire home. After having seen the different existing systems, it is one of the most basic, simple and direct solutions that we can choose, since mesh systems are of considerable cost.
Perhaps one or several access points with solvency cover about 200 to 500 m 2 of surface connected to the router, since they usually do not have the power of a meshed system. They are also very easy to install and we only need a wall socket. They are devices that weigh less than 500 g and measure less than 20 cm.
Most of them can be configured and managed through a mobile application, for example TP-Link Tether. Keep in mind that a WiFi repeater or extender must be connected to the router, so all of them must be within its coverage range.
For very large country houses or large areas we would better recommend a mesh system. While in public places where there is a relatively complex installation we would recommend the PLCs and also WiFi repeaters.
Current WiFi standards
We have talked a lot about WiFi repeaters and the different wireless network expansion systems, but we still do not know anything about the WiFi standards currently operating on the market, specifically in Europe, nor their characteristics and bandwidth. These standards are defined through the different versions of IEEE 802.11.
- IEEE 802.11a IEEE 802.11b / g IEEE 802.11n IEEE 802.11ac IEEE 802.11ax
With 802.11a it operates on the 5 GHz band, the band that offers the highest transfer capacity. It was approved in 1999 and later replaced by 802.11ac. Being a fairly old standard, it supports a maximum speed of 54 Mbps with 52 carriers and OFDM technology. Its main advantage was the great coverage it offered and its ability to work with a large number of clients.
802.11 b and g are operating only in the 2.4 GHz band, providing it with 11 channels for WiFi, of which 1, 6 and 11 are normally used. In this band, it operates at a frequency of 25 MHz as bandwidth.
The transmission speed in version "b" is 54 Mbps without OFDM sending capacity implemented in the last view previously. There is a variant called 802.11g + that is capable of reaching 108 Mbps, although in any case they are considered previous standards and have been replaced by those that we will see below.
It is currently referred to as Wi-Fi 4. This version of the standard began operating in 2008 although it was defined in 2004. The speed is 600 Mbps in connections of a maximum of 3 × 3 (3 antennas). It uses the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands simultaneously, something new and it already integrated the three previous standards.
It was the first to implement MIMO (Multiple Input - Multiple Output) technology that allows multiple channels to be used at the same time for sending and receiving data with up to 3 antennas. We have not yet reached speed rates comparable to LAN cabling, but being able to use both frequencies with the same wireless point, all to devices with great coverage.
Update that is renamed Wi-Fi 5, was implemented in 2014 and today most devices work on this version. In this case it is a standard that only operates in the 5 GHz band to provide speeds of 433 Mbps in connections with an antenna (1 × 1) and up to 1.3 Gbps in 3 × 3. Its maximum transfer will be 3.39 Gbps using 4 antennas (4 × 4) at a frequency of 160 MHz or 6.77 Gbps if the case were 8 × 8.
This standard updates MU-MIMO technology with up to 8 data streams with a frequency of 160 MHz and 256 QAM modulation, although there are cases where 1024-QAM can be used. It normally operates in conjunction with 802.11n for devices that use the 2.4 GHz band at the same time as the band.
This is the new version also called WiFi 6 and 6th generation WiFi implemented in 2019 and that many routers and equipment already have support thanks to the new hardware. In addition to MU-MIMO, new OFDMA technology is introduced that improves network spectral efficiency for WLANs where large numbers of users are connected. Therefore, it is a standard that above all increases its performance with large client loads and simultaneous transmissions.
It operates on the frequencies of 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz, and supports 4 × 4 and 8 × 8 connections in both cases, being able to reach speeds of up to 11 Gbps, almost begging the benefits of the previous standard. For this, the 160 MHz frequency and 1024-QAM modulation are used. There are still few WiFi repeaters with this protocol, and most operate on the previous ones.
These standards are considered channel and frequency identifiers through which the hosts will connect to the WLAN.
There are still more standards, although they are not considered as important as those discussed, for example, 802.11e oriented to public spaces, 802.11d to allow the international use of WiFi networks, 802.11j as equivalent of the “n” in Japan, and others.
WiFi 6 support
The vast majority of devices with 802.11ax or WiFi 6 are routers and network cards for computers and laptops. So today we do not have WiFi repeaters of this type, and they will only be available in the form of Mesh systems.
In case we have a WiFi 6 router or a laptop that works with this new standard, we will not have any problem with a WiFi amplifier due to backward compatibility. Thanks to this, a new generation protocol will automatically be compatible with all the previous ones that operate in the same territory.
It means that if we buy a repeater with 802.11no ac it will automatically be compatible with notebooks or WiFi routers 6 or older. Of course, bandwidth will always be limited to the oldest standard as it is the lowest performing.
Features a WiFi repeater must have
And before reaching the list of the best WiFi repeaters on the market, it is time to see the main characteristics of the same to get our purchase right.
One of the most important characteristics will be the coverage, and this is greatly influenced by the power of the device, the antennas it has and the frequencies on which it works.
The two frequencies on which WiFi operates is 5 GHz and 2.4 GHz. In the first case, we have a shorter wavelength frequency, so it has a greater capacity to transfer data, but much less range. In the second it is just the opposite, it can transport less data, but take it further because it is able to transfer solid objects more effectively.
This is important to know, since these repeaters are oriented to domestic environments where there will be a large number of walls. So ideally you should work with both frequencies to offer maximum versatility.
Bandwidth and antennas
The above can be linked directly to this new section. WiFi repeaters will typically have full bandwidth, which will appear in their specifications. We must know that this will be its maximum capacity with the two frequencies added, but in reality both will operate independently.
Let's take an example with the NETGEAR EX7300 extender that provides AC2200 bandwidth, which means that its total bandwidth will be 2200 Mbps. If we look at its specifications, we will be able to differentiate two bandwidths for each frequency. In 2.4 GHz we will obtain a maximum of 450 Mbps thanks to a 2 × 2 connection, that is, with two simultaneous antennas. In 5 GHz we will obtain 1733 Mbps also 2 × 2, but in both cases independently and according to the frequency that the client connects.
When a team is able to connect on both frequencies it is called Dual-Band. There are also Tri-band devices, having in their case a connection at 2.4 GHz and two other independent ones at 5 GHz to support more devices.
The number of antennas directly influences the available bandwidth, since each one provides a specific speed, and can be added to acquire higher speeds. We start from a 1 × 1 connection, that is, client and server with a single antenna, 2 × 2 will be two simultaneous antennas. Thus we could reach 4 × 4 which will be the maximum for general consumption equipment. It is possible that for each band a router has a series of dedicated or other common antennas, this will also influence its maximum capacity.
Standard on which it operates
It will be important to know what IEEE standards the WiFi repeater operates on, not only for its bandwidth and transmission capacity, but also for its compatibility. With the backward compatibility we will not have any kind of problems, that is clear, but if for example we buy a repeater over 802.11ac and our router only operates over 802.11a we will be wasting its capacity.
Another important consideration will be the geographical location of each user, since not all countries operate on the same frequencies, so this should be a consideration for Asian or American countries.
Unfortunately, many users have routers that are supplied by operators “for free”. These devices are quite basic and possibly offer a WiFi network with very little bandwidth, almost always at 300 Mbps or 533 Mbps at most. On the other hand, if we buy a good router ourselves, we will obtain substantial improvements.
Number of ethernet ports
Most WiFi access points offer RJ45 connectivity for twisted pair cables and wired connections. It is a very interesting feature if we have several desktops that are WiFi and that need to be connected to each other. What better way to do it than with one of these devices.
The bandwidth in this type of connection is usually 100 Mbps, but of course there are higher capacity repeaters that offer gigabit Ethernet ports. Consequently, it will have a wireless bandwidth of 1.73 Gbps or higher to provide a quality link.
If we want to play multimedia content in 4K at 60 FPS on a television we need to ensure a good WiFi link, as well as to play online without latency and without jerks. Investing in good equipment will always be a guarantee.
Management and firmware
Last but not least we must attend to the management possibilities that the team integrates. The best WiFi repeaters on the market assure us of managing their firmware through a mobile application or directly from our browser.
In this way we can modify the SSID of the access point, as well as the password and the security level. Many offer the possibility of configuring with different operating profiles, such as repeaters, extenders or even integrating into meshed networks with compatible routers.
Many others have parental control, QoS or a WiFi guest network. And even a USB port to connect a storage flash drive and configure a shared file server with the Samba protocol.
The best WiFi repeaters on the market
Without further ado, we leave you with the best WiFi repeaters and WiFi extenders on the market. We are not going to see Mesh systems in this case, since this corresponds rather to the guide of the best routers on the market.
NETGEAR EX2700 (N300)
- Ex2700 wifi repeater: add wifi coverage up to 30 square meters, and connect up to 5 devices at a time such as laptops, smartphones and tablets n300 wifi speed: provides a performance of up to 300 mbps universal compatibility: works with any wireless router, gateway or modem wired with wifi Wired ethernet port: simply connect video game consoles, streaming players or other nearby wired devices using the 10 / 100m port for maximum speed Safe and reliable: supports wireless security protocols wep and wpa / wpa2
We started with one of the cheapest and most basic WiFi repeaters on the market, such as the NETGEAR EX2700. It will come in handy for those users who simply want to expand their network coverage in an economical way and without needing large bandwidths.
It operates only in 802.11n on the 2.4 GHz frequency, making it a single band. It also includes a 100 Mbps Ethernet port and wireless protection with WPA / WPA2 and WPS. It has no management software, so it's just plug and play.
TP-Link RE200 (AC750)
- Three internal antennas: More powerful Dual Band signals, Wi-Fi coverage perfectly amplifies to areas where they did not reach before Super high speed: Dual band up to 750 mbps, 300mbps, 2.4 ghz, 433 mbps 5ghz Signal indicators: Help to find the best Location for optimal Wi-Fi coverage showing signal strength Plug & play: Just the push of a button, no additional configuration Low power and one Ethernet port: 1 10 / 100M Ethernet port, super low power consumption for just 6.5W
In the next step and with a very close price we have the RE200, which is the new version of the RE190, one of the best-selling repeaters. This equipment offers us Dual-Band connection in 5 GHz up to 433 Mbps (1 × 1) and 2.4 GHz up to 300 Mbps (2 × 2). It is a very compact equipment with three internal antennas.
It can be easily configured with the WPS button that automatically pairs with any router. Each device has a 100Mbps RJ45 port for wired connectivity.
PIX-Link AC1200M (AC1200)
- COMPLETE SIGNAL COVERAGE WITH DUAL BAND: Equipped with four external antennas and with dual band support 2.4GHz 300M and 5GHz 867M, this WiFi repeater extends WiFi coverage 360 degrees to 2'5-4'0 meters. Stable data rate that will cover your bedroom, plants, bathroom and garden STABLE SIGNAL POWER: With dual band technology, this Wi-Fi range extender can automatically choose a high quality band for better performance. It offers up to 300Mbps for 2.4GHz and 867Mbps for 5GHz. Fully 1167Mbps is available for use, maximizing reduces data transmission loss QUICK AND EASY SETUP - Comes with instructions in SPANISH based on feedback from many buyers. This WiFi signal booster can easily expand wireless coverage by pressing the WPS button. Or configure via the web-based configuration of the browser on almost any device COMPATIBLE WITH 99% ROUTERS: This WiFi repeater has been tested and is compatible with 99% of routers on the market. Works with any standard router or gateway. Support from any device like iOS, Android, Samsung, Eco / alexa, PC, Playstation, smart plugs and much more EASILY FIND THE PERFECT SETTING POINT: Smart signal indicator helps you find the best location for Wi-Fi coverage. You no longer have to worry about finding a position
We raised the level a bit and in this bandwidth range we have quite a few devices, and among the best-selling and most reliable is the PIX-Link AC1200M. A WiFi repeater with Dual-Band connectivity of 5 GHz 867 Mbps and 2.4 GHz 300 Mbps, in both cases with a 2 × 2 connection thanks to its 4 dedicated and extensible antennas.
It has a coverage indicator with the router and a good coverage of approximately 15 m 2 extra with MU-MIMO technology and very broad compatibility with routers.
NETGEAR EX6120 (AC1200)
- Ex6120 wifi repeater: increased wifi coverage: add wifi coverage up to 80 square meters, and connect up to 15 devices at once such as laptops, smartphones, tablets and ip cameras wifi speed ac1200: provides a performance of up to 1200 mbps using the patented fastlane technology Dual band (tm) for streaming video and games on phones and tablets Universal compatibility: works with any wireless router, gateway or cable modem with wifi Wired ethernet port: just connect video game consoles, streaming players or others Nearby wired devices using the 10 / 100m port for maximum speed Secure and reliable: supports wireless security protocols wep and wpa / wpa2
The EX6120 is another one of those best -selling repeaters due to its excellent value for money. Like the previous one we have a total bandwidth of 1200 Mbps spread over 300 Mbps over 2.4 GHz and 867 Mbps over 5 GHz.
The main difference with the previous model is that we only have two antennas, so its capacity with multiple clients will be reduced. An advantage is that it has a 100 Mbps Ethernet port and WPS function for automatic pairing with routers.
TP-Link RE305 (AC1200)
- Dual-band 2.4GHz (300Mbps) and 5GHz (867Mbps) Wi-Fi for a more stable wireless experience Eliminate Wi-Fi dead zones with a robust Wi-Fi extension with combined speeds of up to 12Gbps Standards and Protocols: IEEE802.11ac, IEEE 802.11n, IEEE 802.11g, IEEE 802.11a, IEEE 802.11b Compatible with any Wi-Fi router or wireless access point. 1 x 10 / 100M Ethernet Port (RJ45) interface Signal indicators to help find the best location for optimal Wi-Fi coverage by displaying signal strength
The E305 was my personal choice to extend the coverage of the network due to its excellent price and its good extra coverage of approximately 20 m 2. With the same bandwidth as in previous AC1200 models and also management through the Tether App, compatible with Android and iOS.
It is a little cheaper because it only has two external antennas, but it is great for a low client load and good connection speed and stability. It also has a 100 Mbps Ethernet port for televisions and other desktops.
D-Link DAP 1620 (AC1300)
- Up to 867 Mbps in the 5GHz band and 450 Mbps in the 2.4GHz band, combined with 1 Gigabit network port so that data is transmitted at maximum speed Combine it with a mesh router to get the most out of it, allowing you to connect to the maximum speed always to the closest WiFi, although it can also be used with any wifi router It has colored LED indicators to indicate the quality of the wireless signal coming from the router to find the best possible location Easy Plug & Play configuration by pressing the WPS button on the router and the DAP-1620 for automatic synchronization Flip-down external antennas provide greater coverage, signal strength, and higher data rates
The D-link DAP-1620 slightly expands the bandwidth in the 2.4 GHz frequency by supplying 450 Mbps, keeping the 867 Mbps at 5 GHz as in the other 2 × 2 models. It has LED activity indicators, as well as a 100 Mbps Ethernet port for wired connections. This model does not have an App for its management, so it will be Plug and Play.
TP-Link RE450 (AC1750)
- Wi-Fi extender for maximum performance Three adjustable external antennas that provide optimal Wi-Fi connections for coverage and reliability Speeds of 450Mbps at 2.4GHz and 1300Mbps at 5GHz reaching Wi-Fi speeds of up to 1750Mbps Gigabit Ethernet port that acts as a wireless adapter for connect a device to your network at gigabit speed Compatible with any Wi-Fi Router; Extend the coverage of any Wi-Fi router or wireless access point
We are already entering the medium and high performance area with this RE450, a WiFi repeater also from TP-Link that offers Dual-Band capability. Its three dual external antennas will provide a bandwidth of 1300 Mbps at 5 GHz and 450 Mbps at 2.4 GHz. This expansion in the band of greater capacity will give us better possibilities to play 4K content from a television or from a computer, and better latency.
Likewise, the RJ45 connector also increases performance up to 1000 Mbps. Like other TP-Link products, we can manage its functions from the Tether App. Supported encryption is upgraded to WPA and WPA2, with WPS function for fast links.
Asus RP-AC68U (AC1900)
- Extend your 802.11ac Dual-Band wireless network with up to 1900 Mbps speed Connect securely by pressing the WPS button Smart LED indicator to find the perfect location USB 3.0 port for AiCloud support and ultrafast NAS connectivity 5 Gigabit Ethernet ports to convert any wired network to wireless
The RP-AC68U is much more than a WiFi repeater, we know that Asus is one of the manufacturers that offers more functionality in its network equipment thanks to complete firmware. And in this case it is evident in a team that delivers 1300 Mbps at 5 GHz and 600 Mbps at 2.4 GHz. To do this, it uses 3 transmitting antennas and another 4 for the connection to the router.
This provides much greater network capacity by separating broadcast from reception, ideal for consumption of multimedia content throughout the house thanks to its excellent coverage. No less than 5 RJ45 Gigabit Ethernet ports and one USB 3.0 port have been installed for shared data function.
NETGEAR EX7300 (AC2200)
- Ex7300 mesh network repeater: add wifi coverage of up to 150 square meters, and connect up to 30 devices at a time such as laptops, smartphones, s ip cameras, tablets, iot and ms devices Universal mesh wifi functionality: uses the name of your ssid from the existing network so it never gets disconnected on the go in your home or office ac2200 wifi speed: provides up to 2200 mbps throughput using proprietary dual-band fastlane (tm) technology for hd streaming and online gaming universal compatibility: works with any router wireless, link port or cable modem with wifi Wired ethernet port - simply connect video game consoles, streaming players, or other wired devices to the gigabit port for maximum speed
In this particular case we have a WiFi extender, since it is an access point capable of integrating with the wireless network, providing us with a single SSID to connect to the home network. It supports Mesh systems such as the Nighthawk X4 from the same manufacturer to scale our network, integrating MU-MIMO technology and a very wide coverage.
This equipment increases its capacity in 5 GHz to 1733 Mbps and in 2.4 GHz to 450 MHz, also having a RJ45 Gigabit Ethernet port in each unit. In all other respects, it will work just like other manufacturer products.
TP-Link RE650 (AC2600)
- Superior repeater: four external antennas extend Wi-Fi coverage up to 100 square meters AC2600 4-Stream dual-band Wi-Fi: 800Mbps at 2.4GHz + 1733Mbps at 5GHz simultaneously Gigabit Ethernet port: Provides faster wired connections to Smart TVs, computers and game consoles Compatible with any Router Wifi; Extends the coverage of any Wi-Fi router or wireless access point Easy installation; easy control and monitoring
We come to the repeaters of TOP features such as the RE650, delivering great coverage superior to many routers on the market thanks to its 4 extendable antennas that can cover up to 1000 m 2 together with the router according to the manufacturer.
It offers logical dual-band connectivity, with a capacity of 1733 Mbps at 5 GHz and 800 Mbps at 2.4 GHz, ideal for a high load of clients, for example in public establishments. Nor is its 1000 Mbps RJ45 port missing, if managed by Tether or MU-MIMO technology.
NETGEAR EX8000 (AC3000)
- Ex8000 wifi mesh repeater: wifi coverage of up to 180 square meters, and connects up to 40 devices at once such as laptops, smartphones, smart speakers, s ip cameras, tablets, iot and ms devices Universal wifi mesh functionality: uses the name of your ssid from your existing network so you never get disconnected on the go around your home or office Ac3000 Wi-Fi Speed: Provides up to 3000 mbps throughput using proprietary fastlane3 (tm) tri-band technology for 4k hd streaming and multiplayer gaming Universal compatibility: Works with any router wireless, link port or cable modem with wifi Wired ethernet port: simply connect video game consoles, streaming players or other wired devices to the 4 gigabit ports for maximum speed
We come to the WiFi extender with higher performance in terms of bandwidth, only recommended for those users who have a router with at least 3 antennas working on WiFi 5 or WiFi 6. The EX8000 has Tri-band connectivity where it has been one dedicated link to the 1.73 Gbps 5 GHz router, and two client links, 2.4 GHz 400 Mbps and 5 GHz 866 Mbps.
Its 4 10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet ports will also be a guarantee of performance for use in gaming and desktops that need high bandwidth. It implements FastLane 3 technology to deliver all the bandwidth with guarantees and compatibility with the 802.11k standard.
Conclusions on the best WiFi repeaters on the market
So far this guide to the best WiFi repeater comes, a list we believe is very complete where we have devices of practically all the bandwidths available to date. Likewise, the needs of all types of users who prefer not to invest in a Mesh system are covered.
There are not many manufacturers that offer access points with guarantees and good performance, and we can see that among the most repeated are TP-Link and NETGEAR, especially in relation to quality-price.
We now leave you with more network hardware guides for all those who want to update their equipment and obtain bandwidths much higher than the typical routers delivered by ISP.
What will be your choice and with which router will you pair it? If you know or have a WiFi repeater that is not listed and you think it is very worthwhile, write us in the comments to help and advise other users.
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