
Microsoft talks about loss of performance for patches for meltdown and specter

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We continue talking about the patches for the Meltdown and Specter vulnerabilities, this time it has been Microsoft that has spoken to say that users of older systems will see a more significant impact on the performance of their computers than in the case of users of last generation processors.

Haswell and earlier users will be hit harder by Meltdown and Specter

Since the issue related to Meltdown and Specter was released, there has been a lot of talk about the loss of benefits of patching these vulnerabilities. The first performance analyzes showed hardly any differences, but of course, the tests were made with very powerful processors.

Microsoft claims that users of Haswell processor-based systems or earlier will see a much greater impact on the performance of the computer, in addition, it has also been said that in the case of Windows 7 and Windows 8 the loss of benefits is greater than which is suffered under Windows 10.

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The explanation for this is that pre-Skylake processors need to make more requests for data to the system kernel during its operation, it is precisely in these cases when the performance loss is suffered. Starting with Skylake, Intel has refined this process to be more specific in indirect branches, reducing the overall performance penalty of Specter mitigation.

The Haswell processors were launched on the market in 2015, their most powerful model for the mainstream range is the Core i7 4790K, a quad-core, eight-wire processor that is still very powerful today and perfectly valid to accompany to the most powerful graphics cards on the market.

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