
Microsoft wants to prevent you from installing an alternative browser to edge

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Microsoft Edge has a reputation for being the browser you use to download Chrome or Firefox, something that Microsoft clearly doesn't like. That is why Redmond's have tried to convince users to use Edge on numerous occasions, although now they seem to have gone one step further.

Microsoft wants you to use Edge

Users have found that a recent preview of Windows 10 Insider shows a warning when trying to run Chrome or Firefox installers. The dialog box tells the user that they do not need to install the competitor when they "already have Microsoft Edge." The user can choose to install the browser independently and disable the popup in the future, but clearly Microsoft is trying to hinder the installation in the hope that you are in doubt and start using Edge.

We recommend you read our post on Firefox for iOS now includes a new dark mode and other improvements in tabs

This is not the first time that Microsoft has promoted Edge despite user preferences for other browsers such as Chrome or Firefox. The company has already briefly attempted to force Windows Mail to open links on Edge, and sent push notifications to Chrome users to encourage change. However, this move would be particularly direct, and could risk a negative reaction from users.

Importantly, the feature is not guaranteed to hit the final version of the next major Windows 10 update in October. If it does, we will have to pay attention to the statements of the users, and of the anti-monopoly authorities of the European Union, which have often spoken in the case of Microsoft for using the monopoly of its PC operating system to discourage the use of competing browsers.

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