Microsoft wants cortana to replace user manuals

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Microsoft has put a lot of effort and hope in Cortana. They have also invested heavily. So they keep trying hard to find ways to make it a success. They want to make Cortana a reference digital assistant in the world. Whatever it takes.
The company has new plans for Cortana. They want in the very near future to stop having user manuals or other instruction manuals. Instead, the virtual assistant will be used.
Cortana replaces the manuals
With this idea, Microsoft wants Cortana to be the one to help users. In this way, the wizard will guide users when they buy the computer and will help them. With this feature, Cortana will fill in information you already know to make processes faster. It will also assist you with the installation of programs or other problems that arise with the system. Also, because as soon as users consult the manuals, they want to bet on this method.
By using Cortana the process would be much faster and easier for users. That is what they expect from the company. They have recently registered the patent, so it is already under development. We do not know what state it is in so far. Nor if Microsoft intends to use it in the near future.
This system may start to be used in Windows 10, where Cortana is already installed. It will be interesting to see how the company will apply this new method. It will also be to see if it works correctly, since Cortana still has aspects to improve a lot. What do you think of Microsoft's new idea? Do you think it will be useful or successful?
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