
Microsoft is really loving linux

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On the 25th anniversary of Linux, it is important to analyze its current position in the world and how it is seen by large companies. And it is that unlike 25 years ago, we can say that Microsoft is really loving Linux. Keep reading and you will find out why I tell you this.

Microsoft is really loving Linux

Linux in the World

Today, 25 years after the arrival of Linux, it is worldwide. Giant and renowned companies use it. IBM, Amazon, Google and even Microsoft itself. At least 95% of the world's servers or supercomputers are configured under some Linux distribution. It is not only found in technology companies. Linux has managed to cover governmental and scientific fields. For example, the United States, France and Brazil use it. NASA, too, is not only its servers, but also in space, monitoring much of the activity on space stations. And not to mention the 1.4 billion Smartphone with Android, which shares a lot of code from the Linux kernel.

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However, if we take a look about 15 years ago. Out there in 2001, who was the former CEO of Microsoft, Steve Ballmer, called Linux "a cancer. " Being that year, the peak moment of the giant of desktop computer software.

The Microsoft and Linux relationship

Let's go back with a quick jump until 2016. Now, we find a Microsoft confessing its love for everything open source and Linux.

Yes, it really is an impressive change. Today Linux is being backed by serious attention from Microsoft to the open source world. This has become the top organization with the most open source contributors on GitHub. Being better than Facebook, Google, Apache and many other competitors.

About 10 years ago, Microsoft launched its open source CodePlex community. However, the company started moving its large projects across Github until just over a year ago. This move has not only fueled Microsoft's growth on Github. It has also fueled a culture change, playing a bigger role in this change.

Microsoft employees have embraced Satya Nadella's culture change at the company, and open source advocates like Scott Hanselman have been free to release code from some important company tools. Recent ones include opening PowerShell code, Visual Studio code and Microsoft Edge JavaScript engine.

On the other hand, it also partnered with Canonical to bring Ubuntu to Windows 10 and acquired Xamarin to help develop mobile applications. Even Xamarin SDK open source tools and brought SQL Server for Linux.

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Last conclusions

Certainly, the company has focused on open source software for at least a decade, but this work has rapidly increased in recent years. In particular, I think it probably will never open Windows or Office font. However, his position on Github shows that he is now a true open source company. Which is something that would not have been associated with Microsoft 10 or 15 years ago.

Microsoft has previously declared its love for Linux, but just like any relationship, actions speak louder than words. It is clear that Microsoft is really loving Linux. Hopefully this great endorsement is lasting.


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