
Millions of facebook and instagram passwords were visible to employees

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Under the ironic title "Keeping passwords safe", Facebook has revealed a security flaw whereby millions of passwords for Facebook and Instagram users have been stored in readable format. This error implies that such passwords were exposed to the eyes of at least the company's employees.

Another Facebook "security flaw"

Through an article published on the company's blog, Facebook acknowledges that the error was discovered earlier this year, although it also claims that it has already "corrected these problems":

As part of a routine security review in January, some user passwords were found to be stored in a readable format within our internal data storage systems. This caught our attention because our access systems are designed to mask passwords using techniques that make them unreadable. We have corrected these problems and as a precautionary measure we will notify all those whose passwords we have found were stored in this way.

Of course, Mark Zuckerberg's company has ensured that no one outside of Facebook has had access to user passwords and that, to the best of their knowledge, neither has any company employee made use of this privileged access to the stored passwords of the users.

Despite such firm statements by the company, and considering its long history of scandals, it is quite logical that we do not end up trusting it, so it is highly recommended that users take action. To do this, do not use the same password for different accounts, and try to use password management software such as 1Password, LastPass, iCloud Keychain that will help you achieve unique, strong and secure passwords.

It is also advisable to enable two-factor authentication whenever possible, as recommended by Facebook itself.

Via 9to5Mac Facebook Source


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