
Assembling a computer piece by piece or not: reasons

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Assemble a computer by parts or not, that is the question that many ask when it comes to renovating the PC or buying a new one. Each of the two options has its advantages and disadvantages, with the consequent savings. Of course, if what we want is to assemble a computer by parts from scratch, we will have to have a minimum knowledge of basic computing. Or help you with our tutorials and PC settings.

Assembling a computer by parts or not: advantages and disadvantages

One of the questions we ask ourselves the most when buying a new computer is whether we should buy one already assembled or assemble it ourselves by parts. And what is the answer? Well, like everything in this life, it depends.

Assembling the computer in pieces requires previous knowledge or in-depth Internet research, but we will save money. However, buying it already assembled will allow us to guarantee higher performance, but we will spend more money paying for the assembly and the brand in some cases.

Advantages of assembling a computer by parts:

  • It's cheaper. It allows us to select a much more personalized configuration. We can easily exchange parts or resell them.

Disadvantages of assembling a computer by parts:

  • Requires knowledge of assembly and research. Components may not be compatible with each other or may not be efficient. We do not have a warranty of the PC as a whole (assembly and assembly).

Advantages of buying an already assembled PC:

  • Greater efficiency of the components. Warranty of the computer as a whole. In some cases they offer us a performance analysis of the components created by the brand.

Disadvantages of buying an already assembled PC:

  • Higher price Less personalized configuration in some cases In some cases we cannot change the components without going through the brand (loss of warranty).

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