
Mozilla firefox promises to be faster in its new update

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2017 has been a year of great importance for Firefox. The browser has been greatly improved and has been presented as a real alternative to take away the leadership of Google Chrome. Although they know there is still room for improvement. Something they are looking to do with their new update coming soon. They announce that in Firefox 58 we are going to see a noticeable improvement in speed.

Mozilla Firefox promises to be faster in its new update

The browser promises an improvement in its performance. Something that will be possible thanks to the new two-level WebAssembly compiler. Thanks to this improvement, the browser will be able to compile the code faster than the network delivers it.

Firefox is going to be faster

Therefore, the new version of the browser will be able to compile between 30 and 60 megabytes of WebAssembly code per second. In the case of smartphones, this figure would be lower, as is logical. In that case it would stay at about eight megabytes per second. A figure that is still very good and guarantees high speed navigation.

With this decision Firefox wants to stand up to Chrome. Also to Edge, which has recently made improvements. So the war between browsers is more alive than ever. They know that any improvement that makes their performance better can be decisive. Therefore, surely more changes are announced in all of them.

Mozilla could launch these improvements in Firefox within a few days. No specific dates have been commented. Although it has been said that they would arrive very soon. So in a few days we will get out of doubt with them.

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