Netflix begins to worry about piracy

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Although we all know that Netflix is paid, just by taking a look over the Internet and without going further YouTube, we can find many ways to get Netflix for free. But today, we have seen a news story that states that Netflix is beginning to worry about piracy (and it was not without time). This really is a serious problem for them who have been suffering since its launch, and it will affect users who are using it without paying, because they will have it more complicated.
Netflix begins to worry about piracy
We have been using Netflix for many months, for € 9.99 a month, and the truth is that the service is luxurious and the price is low considering that you will be able to see all the movies and series they have in the catalog… but Still, there are those who hack it.
The Netflix guys want to end this, and have taken action. Netflix CEO Reed Hastings said in a statement that they were fully aware of the piracy they were facing. However, he also indicated that it was not as bad as others painted it… since it creates demand. However, everything has changed, because as Netflix has been releasing the latest it has seen how everything has been hacked (hanging on other portals), something that did not make them as funny.
The latter caused his posture to change radically. It has been months since Netflix requested the removal of free download links to their titles… but they have gone further, because it even has a section in the company that is in charge of fighting this problem, hence its name. " Global Copyright Protection Group ". The goal is to reduce piracy and if possible eliminate it entirely. Today we have known that they are working at it with more force than ever. We'll see if it works for them.
What do you think of the subject? Will they be able to stop it?
Source | TF
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