
Netflix will not let you rate movies on its website

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An action that many users take after watching a movie on Netflix is ​​to leave a rating on it. But soon this will not be possible. Because the well-known streaming service is going to eliminate this option this summer. It will be an operation that will be carried out in several stages, but how will it end that it will not be possible to rate movies on your website.

Netflix will not let you rate movies on its website

The rating system will be changed by the system we are seeing to like (finger up) or dislike (finger down). This will be the system that the platform will finally adopt.

Netflix ratings are over

At the end of July, the first changes in this regard will begin to be made on the Netflix website. By the end of August, ratings should be a thing of the past on the streaming service's website. So it won't take long for this change to be official. No more reviews with the five-star format on the platform, or user comments.

Netflix has not given many explanations about this change. They simply say that they have seen how over time the use of the star system when evaluating has been losing importance and use on the web. So this change is introduced.

This is probably not a major change for most users, but it is clear that the star system is beginning to lose some ground on the web. Something that is also reflected on the website of the popular streaming service.

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