Nikkei reiterates that the production of the iphone x has been cut in half

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A new Nikkei report claims that Apple has decided to cut iPhone X production in half, prompting Samsung to struggle to find new customers for its OLED panels that had been created for Apple.
Samsung does not know what to do with the OLED panels that are left after the demand for the iPhone X has decreased
Samsung initially increased production of its OLED panels to meet demand for the iPhone X, now facing excess capacity with the bite-apple decision to halve manufacturing of its flagship terminal. Samsung also expected other manufacturers to make the leap to OLED panels, but they have finally decided to stick with LCDs for a lower price.
We recommend reading our post on Apple will kill the iPhone X very soon due to low sales
In addition to this, Samsung faces increased competition from Chinese manufacturers of OLED panels, which are expanding rapidly, pressing Samsung to lower its sales prices. This is not the first time that Nikkei claims that Apple will cut iPhone X production in half. Last month he said Apple's decision was in response to disappointing holiday season sales.
To make matters worse for Samsung, LG is about to supply OLED displays for the upcoming 6.5-inch iPhone later this year. Apple has long tried to reduce its dependence on Samsung, and as more manufacturers build its OLED infrastructure, it should come as no surprise that Apple is looking to move away from the South Korean company.
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With the launch of the iphone x, the production of the iphone 8 will be cut in half

Production of the iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus will be reduced by 50 percent when the iPhone X officially goes on sale