
Nintendo prohibits direct on YouTube with its games

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Nintendo is living a successful 2017. The launch of the Nintendo Switch has worked well, so much so that they do not know if they will have enough units for Christmas. One of the reasons for the success they are experiencing are some of the decisions they make, to protect the brand and the games to the maximum. Security is also something they take into account.

Nintendo bans YouTube live streams with its games

Now, the company surprises with a new decision that will surely bring a queue. Nintendo prohibits live broadcasts on YouTube of its video games. Therefore, the participants of the Nintendo Creators Program will not be able to do direct on the web and show images or talk about these games.

Nintendo does not want live broadcasts

The company has not offered any statement or explanation on this decision. They have simply commented that these live broadcasts on YouTube are prohibited. It has been through an email message where they inform about the change in the user guide to add information about the games. Basically, what Nintendo has said is "streaming live content via YouTube is not covered by the Nintendo Creators Program."

But the company wanted to be even clearer. They have also directly mentioned that you cannot broadcast live content. A decision that many question, and that seems to have no logical reason (for the moment). Although it is not the first time that Nintendo has problems with youtubers.

YouTube is a good showcase for games and can reach a large audience. But, for some reason that we still do not know, the company does not want to take part in it. What do you think about this decision?


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