
Nintendo switch sells 20 million consoles

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There is no longer any doubt that the Nintendo Switch game console has marked the return to success of the legendary Japanese company, after many years of suffering from an unsuccessful WiiU.

The success of Nintendo Switch has not stopped growing since its launch

Nintendo has never thrown in the towel, and is that the tenacity of the Japanese is difficult to match. The company has worked very hard to put an innovative console on the market, with an excellent video game catalog. For this year, the launch of the likes of Super Smash Bros Ultimate and Pokemon Let's Go are expected, two colossi to further boost the sales of the Switch.

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The Japanese firm has released its earnings report for the first three months of the new fiscal year that started in April. This quarter, it had an operating profit of 30.5 trillion yen ($ 275 million), with total revenues of 168 trillion yen (1.51 trillion dollars), which translates into year-on-year increases of 88.4% and 9.1%, respectively. Mario Kart Deluxe has broken the sales threshold of 10 million units, joining Super Mario Odyssey, and expecting The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild to do so later this quarter.

The company claims that it has managed to sell 19.67 million units through the end of June, just below the 20 million target. It is probable that the threshold has already been exceeded on this last day of July. Nintendo expects to sell another 20 million units this fiscal year ending March 2019. Something that seems difficult, although a big rebound is expected with the release of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Pokemon Let's Go and Super Mario Party later this year. year.

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