
It doesn't work ok google: solutions

Table of contents:


Despite our best efforts or following the instructions to the letter, sometimes we may encounter problems that we cannot fix. With Google Assistant the same thing happens and for those times when it does not respond despite our attempts we bring you solutions to the most common when OK Google does not work.

Index of contents

Possible reasons & solutions

There are many possibilities before the problem when OK Google does not work and you do not activate the assistant. We bring you the most common points to review one by one to see what can be done and finally alternatives when everything fails.

Need an update

Okay, okay, we know this is terribly basic, but we can all be confused. It may happen that the wizard or our operating system needs an update and there is an internal conflict.

In this situation we must check the status of the software

The wizard is not active

Let's start with the most basic, which is to check the status of the wizard. OK Google is not a command that is activated by default, but we must have configured it first. When in doubt, we follow two different options:

On our unlocked phone, we hold down the Start button.

  • If the wizard is active, a pop-up message will appear saying "Hello, how can I help you?" . This means that we have the active assistant since in this menu you can ask for what we need. However, voice command does not work. If we do not receive a message otherwise, the wizard is not available. Not all devices have it by default. What we should check at the beginning is that we have the Google App.

In either case, we would go to the next section.

Voice activation has not been configured (Voice Match)

Now that we have verified that we have Google Assistant, it is time to activate the voice command so that OK Google works correctly. To do this, we follow the following steps:

  1. Open the Google App. Press More, in the lower menu . Go to Settings <Voice <Voice Match. We activate Voice Match.

Once this is done, when we say OK Google with the screen on, the assistant will automatically activate and listen to what we say.

If we want the Voice Match to be activated with the screen off, you must also check the option "personal results on the lock screen". However, we do not recommend it since it implies that the microphone will be continuously active.

Does not recognize our voice

It can be the case that the Voice Match goes a bit crazy or is activated with people who have a similar tone of voice. When in doubt, our recommendation is that on the same route as in the previous point, select "Delete voice model" and configure it again with "Re-create voice model".

There is too much noise

It may happen that the problem is not the application itself, but we do not receive a response to the OK Google command if we are in a very noisy environment. This is because the microphone does not accurately capture our words. It may seem elementary, but before you panic try again in a less bustling place.

If the problem is not solved, we will have to recheck the previous three sections since they may be the source of the error.

Energy save mode

When our mobile phone or tablet is in energy saving mode, the activity of secondary applications that are not essential for its operation is reduced, so the Google Assistant is affected. We must check the consumption status of our mobile.

The path may vary depending on the manufacturer, but as a general rule it will be in a subcategory within Settings.

Report the incident to Google

If none of the above has been helpful, the option that remains is to resort to the manufacturer.

  1. We open the Google application. Click on More (lower menu, right). From the list, select Send comments. We write the incident and attach screenshots or system logs if we wish. We send the incident.

Unfortunately, we will not receive a direct response to the problem, but if what has been detected is an abnormal incident involving a software failure, Google will fix it and the app will be updated.


When it is the case that OK Google does not work, as a general rule, many means are available to us to solve it. Generally the origin is in an inadequate installation or configuration, so sooner or later it ends up being solved.

If this article has been useful to you, you should know that we have plenty of tutorials about the Google Assistant. Here we leave you the most powerful:

  • OK Google: what is it and what is it for? OK Google: how to activate it, list of commands and functions Google Assistant: What is it? All the information

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