
Noctua desk fan, an ingenious and surprising invention

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We are in the Computex 2019 coverage in the Noctua space. The interesting variety of prototypes that the Austrian brand teaches us is impressive and now we will see a very peculiar one, the Noctua Desk Fan.

Noctua Desk Fan, with a bit of engineering and basic physics

Don't hate us please. We have played it for you. Noctua Desk Fan really is not its real name, since the idea is still in development. However, it is the most descriptive name we have thought of.

Noctua Desk Fan prototype in physical

This device is, broadly speaking, one of those table fans that became so famous in the early 2000s, but it goes much further. It is portable, light and will work through USB power.

As you can see in the photo, it has a regulator to mark the intensity, although you may think: "With the minuscule power of a USB, how can icicles cool something?" A good question, but this is where physics and engineering come in.

The Noctua table fan follows and takes advantage of basic physics principles. Its exoskeleton is designed to take advantage of all the possibilities of wind, space and energy, making it surprisingly efficient. It may sound like cheap marketing to you, but read carefully.

Physics technologies

Most of the advances we have in peripherals are summarized in using directly better materials or increasing the surface or size of the device. In counterpart, we have this Noctua Desk Fan, which, with a common fan, optimizes its performance by taking advantage of better use of its tools.

This invention takes advantage of 3 effects that occur in the real world under certain circumstances.

Rotary wind technology

First, by rotating the fan, the air does not come out in a straight line, but its direction is a function of where it rotates. Hence its external parts, which collect that rotational energy and use it to increase air flow.

Mass continuity principle

For the second part, you have to know that when a fluid is forced to cross through a space less than the current one, its speed increases. In simpler words, it works like when you put your finger in the tap hole. The water, having to go through a smaller space, the pressure increases and comes out with more force. The same thing happens with air.

This is what they call AAS (Airflow Amplification System or Air Flow Amplification System, in Spanish) and the device takes advantage of it. By having those parts at the edges, we take advantage of rotary energy, but we also force the central flow of air to pass through a smaller hole, so the air “shoots out”.

Principle of energy conservation

Finally, this ingenious device takes advantage of the principle of energy conservation. As the air velocity at the central point increases (Venturi effect), the air pressure decreases. This leads us to create a kind of "suction effect" that causes the air around the device to go in the same direction.

Lots of science? To simplify it, you can imagine a car or a jet (in series and movies), since the effect is similar. If they go too fast they leave a "hole" in the space (they reduce the pressure), so the air around them quickly fills it. Since they go in a straight line, this happens continuously and you can feel the air around them going towards the area with less pressure generating an air current.

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Incredible true? Well, these three technologies derived directly from how physics works are implemented in this interesting prototype. Our heads have blown away, and you?

The Noctua Desk Fan will be released approximately in 2020 and, hopefully, with another more interesting name.

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