
New beta of facebook messenger allows saving data

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The data plans for smartphones are usually quite limited so it is very important that the applications are as efficient as possible in consuming this valuable resource. Some applications such as Facebook Messenger have excessive data consumption so they have to put their batteries in, fortunately those of Mark Zuckerberg are already working on a solution.

New beta version of Facebook Messenger reduces data usage

A new beta version of Facebook Messenger is being developed for Android in order to make the application much more efficient in the use of mobile data. Until now, all multimedia content is downloaded directly after being received, so data consumption is excessive. With the new update it will be the user who decides the content that has to be downloaded and the one that must wait.

The new version of Facebook Messenger also includes a mobile data counter so that the user can keep track of consumption and better adjust it to the characteristics of their rate. These novelties will only be present when mobile data is being used, under a WiFi network the application will continue to work as before.

You can now download the new beta from the Google Play Store.


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