
Nuvia: the firm that seeks to compete with intel and amd

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AMD and Intel are the two companies that dominate the CPU field. Although they may soon encounter an ambitious competitor, which is Nuvia. This company has several important names, it was founded recently. Gerald Williams III, head of CPU design at Apple is one of the names behind this company, so they have a wealth of experience on their part.

Nuvia: The firm that seeks to compete with Intel and AMD

Being a threat to firms like Intel or AMD is not easy. But with the experience they have been adding with their signings, they promise to give other companies a lot of war.

New competitor

Nuvia seeks to be able to create powerful processors, with reduced power consumption, that will be able to be used in places such as data centers. They seek to revolutionize the industry, considering that companies like AMD or Intel have made gross mistakes in their strategies. So they arrive with a clear objective, that we will have to see if they manage to comply or not.

In these months, the company has been carrying out various rounds of financing, with which it can launch its projects. They have the support of large firms, thanks to which they will be able to expand their staff to reach 100 employees before the end of this year.

Without a doubt, it is a company that promises to make many speak. The question is whether Nuvia manages to meet the expectations that they themselves seek to generate and really make a name for themselves in the market. Also if they will be able to compete from you to you with AMD or Intel, among others.

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