Graphics Cards

Nvidia releases the physx code

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PhysX is the most popular physics simulation engine on the planet, and will be even more so now after Nvidia has announced the release of its code. Physical simulation is a key to immersive games and entertainment, much more important than many users think. Physics simulation fits artificial intelligence, robotics, computer vision, autonomous vehicles, and high-performance computing. For all these reasons, this announcement is one of the most important of the year.

PhysX is already Open Source

The simulation of physics is so fundamental to so many different things that Nvidia has decided to openly provide PhysX to the world. This technology builds on over a decade of continuous investment in this area to simulate the world with increasing fidelity, with research and development ongoing to meet the needs of those working in robotics and autonomous vehicles. PhysX will henceforth be the only free, open source physics solution that takes advantage of GPU acceleration, and can handle large virtual environments. It will be available as an open source starting today, under the simple BSD-3 license.

We recommend reading our article on What is Nvidia PhysX and what is it for?

At international amnesty, researchers need synthetic data to train data-hungry neural networks. In robotics, you need to train robotic minds in environments that work like the real thing. PhysX enables vehicles to drive for millions of km on simulators that duplicate real-world conditions to train autonomous driving. In high-performance computing, physical simulations are performed on increasingly powerful machines with increasing fidelity levels.

PhysX SDK addresses all of these challenges with scalable, stable, and accurate simulations. It is widely supported, and is now open source. PhysX SDK is a scalable, cross-platform gaming physics solution that supports a wide range of devices, from smartphones to high-end multi-core CPUs and GPUs.

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