
Nvidia rtx super, possible release dates leaked

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Reliable information about the release date of the new Nvidia RTX SUPER graphics has been released . If you were impatient for these new charts (or the price drops that come with them) you can already tell when they will land on the market.


Despite the fact that in past news we were considering the possibility that the new Nvidia RTX SUPER were announced on June 21 , today we know that it will not be so. However, the information portal wccftech states new dates for the official announcement of the products.

The new dates that the website trusts are not confirmed, so do not end the bets. However, everything points to it and, in addition, the pieces of the puzzle fit together. Some digital journalists have been called for next month and it seems it will be for the following events:

  • July 2, 2019: Announcement of all the graphics of the Nvidia RTX SUPER line. July 9, 2019: Release of the RTX 2060 SUPER and RTX 2070 SUPER to the market. July 23, 2019: Release of the RTX 2080 SUPER to the market.

If these announcements and dates are met, the late release of Ti versions will be confirmed . This means that we will still have to wait to meet the next beasts of this generation.

July 9 seems to be an immovable day, so the announcement of the full line can be postponed, but never beyond that date. On the other hand, the July 23 announcement could be moved to test AMD's response, so don't be too hopeful.

In less than a month we will confirm or deny these rumors and, if positive, we can test the new graphics of the green brand. If your benchmarks interest you, keep an eye on the news and remember that with the new Nvidia RTX SUPER , at a minimum, they will come in the original Nvidia RTX.

And you, what do you expect from Nvidia RTX SUPER? Who do you think will end up grabbing more market: Nvidia or AMD ? Tell us your proposals below.

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