
Oppo joins xiaomi and will officially arrive in Spain

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It seems that Spain is becoming the gateway to Europe for Chinese smartphone manufacturers, first it was Xiaomi who gave the bomb and now it is Oppo who is interested in following in the footsteps of its great rival.

Oppo prepares to come to Spain

This information comes just a month after it was announced that Xiaomi was going to land in Spain officially, Oppo is one of the biggest rivals of the popular Chinese firm and will not miss any opportunity to decrease sales of Xiaomi.

It is pointed out that it will be in spring 2018 when Oppo begins to officially sell its smartphones in our country, for this it would already be working with distributors and local stores, this hints that they will not bring their own store as it is Xiaomi has done but they will use other infrastructures to sell their terminals.

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This is no coincidence since it is already known that Spain is the European country where Xiaomo and Oppo have achieved the most sales without even being officially present. Another reason is that in Spain many terminals are sold without subsidies, more than in many other countries and this means that the profit margins for brands can be much higher, there is more to see the fever that breaks out every time a model interesting is put on offer in our country.

For now, you have no idea what the exact plans of Oppo are nor what are the terminals that it plans to bring to the Spanish market, so we will have to wait a little longer to see what this great OnePlus sister brand wants to offer us.

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